Bone and Soft-Tissue Disorders
[Jean-Martin Charcot (18251893), first professor of neurology at the Salpêtrière hospital in Paris]
= progressive degenerative + destructive joint disorder in patients with abnormal pain sensation + proprioception
- Congenital
- Myelomeningocele
- Congenital indifference to pain = asymbolia
- Familial dysautonomia (Riley-Day syndrome)
- Hereditary sensory and motor neuropathy (Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease)
- Acquired
- central neuropathy
- Injury to brain / spinal cord
- Syringomyelia (in ⅓ of patients): shoulder, elbow
- Neurosyphilis = tabes dorsalis (in 1520% of patients): hip, knee, ankle, tarsals
- Spinal cord tumors / infection
- Extrinsic compression of spinal cord
- Multiple sclerosis
- Alcoholism
- peripheral neuropathy
- Diabetes mellitus (most common cause, although incidence low): midfoot, tarsometatarsal joints (middle cuneiform + base of 2nd metatarsal bone first affected), intertarsal joints, subtalar joints, metatarsophalangeal joints, ankle
- Peripheral nerve injury
- Peripheral nerve tumor
- Leprosy (Hansen disease)
- Poliomyelitis
- others
- Scleroderma, Raynaud disease, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
- Rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis
- Amyloid infiltration of nerves, adrenal hypercorticism
- Uremia
- Pernicious anemia
- Iatrogenic
- Prolonged use of pain-relieving drugs
- Intraarticular / systemic steroid injections
mnemonic: DS6
- Diabetes
- Syphilis
- Steroids
- Spinal cord injury
- Spina bifida
- Syringomyelia
- Scleroderma
loss of proprioception with sensory deficits arising in the spinal cord / peripheral nerves
- Neurotraumatic theory
= repetitive trauma with absence of normal protective sensory feedback - Neurovascular theory
= absence of neural stimuli → loss of sympathetic tone resulting in vasodilatation and hyperemia, which promotes bone resorption + weakening of subchondral bone
- atrophic pattern (most common):
- joint destruction, resorption of fragments (osteoclasts + macrophages remove bone + cartilage debris), dissolution / amputation of periarticular bones, joint effusion
- notable absence of osteosclerosis + osteophyte formation
- Associated with: syringomyelia, peripheral nerve lesion, also in diabetes
- Location: non-weight-bearing joints of upper extremity
- DDx: surgical amputation, septic arthritis
- hypertrophic pattern (only sensory nerves affected):
joint destruction, fragmentation of bone, periarticular bony debris
- osteosclerosis + osteophyte formation (early, attaining enormous size)
DDx: severe osteoarthritis - mixed pattern
- common to both: joint disorganization, large persistent bloody joint effusion
- no history of trauma
- swollen + warm joint with normal WBC count + ESR (infection may coexist)
- usually painless joint; pain at presentation (in ⅓) with decreased response to deep pain + proprioception
- joint changes frequently precede neurologic deficit
- synovial fluid: frequently xanthochromic / bloody, lipid crystals (from bone marrow)
- persistent joint effusion (first sign)
- narrowing of joint space
- speckled calcification in soft tissue (= calcification of synovial membrane)
- fragmentation of eburnated subchondral bone
- NO juxtaarticular osteoporosis (unless infected)
- bag-of-bones appearance in late stage (= marked deformities around joint)
mnemonic: 6 Ds
- Dense subchondral bone (= sclerosis)
- Degeneration (= attempted repair by osteophytes)
- Destruction of articular cortex (with sharp margins resembling those of surgical amputation)
- Deformity (pencil point deformity of metatarsal heads)
- Debris (loose bodies)
- Dislocation (nontraumatic)
- subluxation of joints (laxity of periarticular soft tissues)
- progressive rapid bone resorption
- joint distension (by fluid, hypertrophic synovitis, osteophytes, subluxation)
- fracture: healing with exuberant bizarre callus formation
- decreased SI in bone marrow on T1WI + T2WI ← osteosclerotic changes
- Shoulder
Cause: syringomyelia, cord trauma with paraplegia
- shoulder mass (due to fluid distension)
- amputated appearance of proximal humerus
- dislocation
- large joint effusion
- fragmented osseous debris in joint capsule + subacromial-subdeltoid bursa
DDx: chondrosarcoma - Neuropathic spine = Charcot spine (involved in 621%)
Cause: diabetes mellitus >traumatic spinal cord injury, syringomyelia, inadequately treated syphilis, amyloidosis, congenital insensitivity to pain
Site: lower thoracic spine, lumbar spine >cervical spine, upper thoracic spine, sacrum
- mild pain and spinal deformity
- intervertebral disk space narrowing
- disk vacuum phenomenon
- osteolysis / sclerosis of vertebrae:
- extensive osseous fragmentation extending beyond confines of vertebral body margins into paraspinous musculature + into spinal canal
- large hypertrophic beaking endplate osteophytes
- paraspinous soft-tissue calcification:
- mineralized paraspinal fluid collections containing osseous debris
- facet joint erosion + subluxation (early findings) → spondylolisthesis
- scoliosis + abrupt curvature
- rimlike enhancement of disk + signal intensity changes of bone marrow
DDx: infectious spondylitis (NO involvement of facet joints, diffuse enhancement of disk + endplates), metastasis, granulomatous infection, severe degenerative disk disease - Hands + feet
Cause: leprosy (due to trauma + secondary bacterial infection)
- claw hand / claw toes
- licked candy cane appearance of metatarsal bone / tapered phalanx ← concentric bone atrophy with decrease in bone length + width
DDx: diabetes mellitus, frostbite, pernicious anemia, scleroderma, syringomyelia, tabes dorsalis, familial sensory neuropathy - Foot + ankle
Cause: long-term poorly controlled diabetes mellitus, syphilis
- soft-tissue swelling, warmth, erythema
Site: often begins in midfoot
- vascular calcifications
- subluxation (starting at 2nd tarsometatarsal joint)