Nervous System Disorders
◊Most malignant infratentorial neoplasm; most common neoplasm of posterior fossa in childhood (followed by cerebellar pilocytic astrocytoma)
Incidence: 1520% of all pediatric intracranial tumors; 3040% of all posterior fossa neoplasms in children; 210% of all intracranial gliomas
Origin: external granular layer of inferior medullary velum (= roof of 4th ventricle)
Histo: completely undifferentiated cells (50%), desmoplastic variety (25%), glial / neuronal differentiation (25%)
Age: 40% within first 5 years of life; 75% in first decade; between ages 5 and 14 (⅔); between ages 15 and 35 (⅓); M÷F = 24÷1
- duration of symptoms <1 month prior to diagnosis: nausea, vomiting, headache, increasing head size, ataxia
- vermis cerebelli + roof of 4th ventricle (younger age group) in 91%
- cerebellar hemisphere (older age group)
Size: usually >2 cm in diameter
- well-defined vermian mass with widening of space between cerebellar tonsils
- encroachment on 4th ventricle / aqueduct with hydrocephalus (8595%)
- shift / invagination of 4th ventricle
- rapid growth with extension into cerebellar hemisphere / brainstem (more often in adults)
- extension into cisterna magna + upper cervical cord, occasionally through foramina of Luschka into cerebellopontine angle cistern
- mild / moderate surrounding edema (90%)
Classic tumor features in 53%:
- slightly hyperdense (70%) / isodense (20%) / mixed (10%)
- rapid intense homogeneous enhancement (97%) ← tumor usually solid
Atypical features:
- cystic / necrotic areas (1016%) with lack of enhancement
- calcifications in 13%
- hemorrhage in 3%
- supratentorial extension
- mixed / hypointense on T1WI
- hypo- / iso- / hyperintense on T2WI
- usually homogeneous Gd-DTPA enhancement with hypointense rim
- cerebellar folia blurred
- Subarachnoid metastatic spread (30100%) via CSF pathway to spinal cord + cauda equina (drop metastases in 40%), cerebral convexities, sylvian fissure, suprasellar cistern, retrograde into lateral + 3rd ventricle
- continuous frosting of tumor on pia
- Metastases outside CNS (axial skeleton, lymph nodes, lung) after surgery
Rx: surgery + radiation therapy (extremely radiosensitive)
DDx of midline medulloblastoma:
ependymoma, astrocytoma (hypodense)
DDx of eccentric medulloblastoma:
astrocytoma, meningioma, acoustic neuroma