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Bone and Soft-Tissue Disorders

= X-linked deficiency / functional abnormality of coagulation factor VIII (= hemophilia A) in >80% / factor IX (= hemophilia B = Christmas disease)

Prevalence: 1÷10,000 males

Hemophilic Arthropathy (most common)!!navigator!!

Cause: repeated bleeding into synovial joint

Path: pannus formation erodes cartilage with loss of sub-chondral bone plate and formation of subarticular cysts

Histo: synovial hyperplasia, chronic inflammatory changes, fibrosis, siderosis of synovial membrane

Age: 1st and 2nd decade

  • tense red warm joint with decreased range of motion muscle spasm; fever, elevated WBC (DDx: septic arthritis)

Location: knee >ankle >elbow >shoulder; commonly bilateral although bleeding episodes tend to recur within same joint

  • joint effusion (= hemarthrosis)
  • enlargement of epiphysis synovial inflammation with hyperemia)
  • juxtaarticular osteoporosis synovial inflammation with hyperemia
  • joint space narrowing (particularly patella) cartilaginous denudation
  • erosion of articular surface with multiple subchondral cysts
  • sclerosis + osteophytosis superimposed degenerative joint disease
  • Knee
    • “squared” patella
    • widening of intercondylar notch
    • flattening of condylar surface
    • medial “slanting” of tibiotalar joint


  • low SI of hypertrophied synovial membrane on all pulse sequences magnetic susceptibility effect of hemosiderin
  • varying intensity of subarticular defects (depending on substrate: fluid / soft tissue / hemosiderin)

Hemophilic Pseudotumor (1–2%)!!navigator!!

= posthemorrhagic cystic swelling within muscle + bone characterized by pressure necrosis + destruction

  1. juvenile form = usually multiple intramedullary expansile lesions without soft-tissue mass in small bones of hand / feet (before epiphyseal closure)
  2. adult form = usually single intramedullary expansile lesion with large soft-tissue mass in ilium / femur
  3. soft-tissue involvement of retroperitoneum (psoas muscle), bowel wall, renal collecting system
  • mixed cystic expansile lesion
  • bone erosion + pathologic fracture


  • sometimes encapsulated mass containing areas of low attenuation + calcifications


  • hemorrhage of varying age

Cx: joint contracture (after repeated bleeding into muscle)

N.B.: Needle aspiration / biopsy / excision may cause fistulae / infection / uncontrolled bleeding!

Rx: palliative radiation therapy (destroys vessels prone to bleed) + transfusion of procoagulation factor concentrate
