Bone and Soft-Tissue Disorders
= mass-forming fibrous proliferation
Age: 2nd4th decades (most common)
Pathogenesis: unknown: ? reactive / inflammatory process
Histo: immature fibroblasts + variable amount of mature birefringent collagen
- subcutaneous [310 x more common than (b) or (c)]
- intramuscular
- typically larger + deeper in location
- ill-defined margins with extension along fascial planes
- intermuscular (fascial)
Location: head & neck (1520%)
Size: 0.510 cm
- homogeneous mass with attenuation similar to fluid
- ± erosion of underlying bone
- heterogeneous mass usually slightly hyperintense relative to muscle on T1WI
- hyperintense relative to muscle on T2WI
- ± marked enhancement