Skull and Spine Disorders
- Conventional radiographic diagnosis insensitive (= delay in diagnosis by 811 years)
Benefit: helpful if positive
Disadvantage: low intra- and interobserver agreement
- uniform narrowing of joint space
- erosions
- intraarticular ankylosis
- osteophytes
- pneumocysts
- articular vacuum sign
- 0 normal
- 1 incipient sclerosis + ↓ focal joint width
- 2 minimally abnormal with loss of definition of articular margins, subchondral osteoporosis, areas of reactive sclerosis
- 3 unequivocally abnormal with subchondral sclerosis of sacral + iliac articular margins, erosions, reduced width, widening of joint space, incipient ankylosis
- 4 complete ankylosis + residual sclerosis
CT: (more sensitive than conventional radiography)
- IA SI joint space >4 mm
- IB SI joint space <2 mm
- IIA joint contour irregularities
- IIB erosions on iliac >sacral side
- IIIA significant subchondral sclerosis
- IIIB spur formation
- IVA transarticular bone bridge
- IVB total ankylosis
MR: (cardinal tool + biomarker for disease activity)
- bone marrow edema (first to appear)
- subchondral sclerosis = low SI bands extending >5 mm from joint space (DDx: physiologic sclerosis)
- erosions = T1-hypointense + T2-hyperintense bone defect at margins of cartilaginous compartment
- periarticular fat deposits (= previous inflammation)
- ankylosis (= fusion of bone buds)
- vasoactive bone marrow edema
- synovitis = enhancement of synovium
- capsulitis = enhancing anterior + posterior joint capsule
- enthesitis = enhancing ligamentous attachments
- Osteoarthritis (anterior osteophytes)
- Septic sacroiliitis (joint effusion, bone marrow edema, intramuscular abscess)
- Sacral insufficiency fracture
- Osteitis condensans ilii (middle-aged woman, mainly iliac bone sclerosis, normal joint space)
- Bone tumor