Bone and Soft-Tissue Disorders
= autosomal dominant disease with delayed ossification of midline structures (particularly of membranous bone)
- Skull
- diminished / absent ossification of skull (in early infancy)
- wormian bones
- widened fontanels + sutures with delayed closure
- persistent metopic suture
- brachycephaly + prominent bossing
- large mandible
- high narrow palate (± cleft)
- hypoplastic paranasal sinuses
- delayed / defective dentition
- Chest
- hypoplasia / absence (10%) of clavicles: usually defective development of lateral (R >L) portion of clavicle (DDx: congenital pseudarthrosis of clavicle)
- thorax may be narrowed + bell-shaped
- supernumerary ribs
- incompletely ossified sternum
- hemivertebrae, spondylosis (frequent)
- Pelvis
- delayed ossification of bones forming symphysis pubis (DDx: bladder exstrophy)
- hypoplastic iliac bones
- Extremities
- radius short / absent
- elongated second metacarpals
- pseudoepiphyses of metacarpal bases
- short hypoplastic distal phalanges of hand
- pointed terminal tufts
- coned epiphyses
- coxa vara = deformed / absent femoral necks
- accessory epiphyses in hands + feet (common)
- cephalopelvic disproportion → large fetal head + narrow birth canal of affected maternal pelvis necessitates cesarean section