Bone and Soft-Tissue Disorders
= phenotype similar to Turner syndrome but with normal karyotype (occurs in both males + females)
Genetics: striking familial incidence
- short / may have normal height
- webbed neck; agonadism / normal gonads
- delayed puberty; mental retardation
- osteoporosis
- retarded bone age
- cubitus valgus
- Skull
- mandibular hypoplasia with dental malocclusion
- hypertelorism
- biparietal foramina
- dolichocephaly, microcephaly / cranial enlargement
- webbed neck
- Chest
- sternal deformity: pectus excavatum / carinatum
- right-sided CHD (valvar pulmonic stenosis, ASD, eccentric hypertrophy of left ventricle, PDA, VSD)
- coronal clefts of spine
- may have pulmonary lymphangiectasis
- Gastrointestinal tract
- intestinal lymphangiectasia
- eventration of diaphragm
- renal malrotation, renal duplication, hydronephrosis, large redundant extrarenal pelvis
DDx: Turner syndrome (mental retardation rare, renal anomalies frequent)