Bone and Soft-Tissue Disorders
= autosomal recessive lethal chondrodystrophy characterized by extreme micromelia, short trunk, large cranium
- severe short-limb dwarfism
- lack of vertebral calcification
- large head with normal / decreased calvarial ossification
Birth prevalence: 2.3÷100,000
Path: disorganization of cartilage
- TYPE I = Parenti-Fraccaro disease
= defective enchondral + membranous ossification
- complete lack of ossification of calvarium + spine + pelvis
- absent sacrum + pubic bone
- extremely short long bones without bowing: especially femur, radius, ulna
- thin ribs with multiple fractures (frequent)
- TYPE II = Langer-Saldino disease
= defective enchondral ossification only
- good ossification of skull vault
- nonossification of lower lumbar vertebrae + sacrum
- short + stubby horizontal ribs without fractures
- irregular flared metaphyses: esp. humerus
- short trunk with narrow chest + protruding abdomen
- redundant soft tissues
- polyhydramnios (common)
- increase in HC÷AC ratio
Prognosis: lethal often in utero / within few hours or days after birth (← respiratory failure)
DDx: often confused with thanatophoric dwarfism