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Nervous System Disorders


= inherited metabolic disorder characterized by progressive demyelination of cerebral white matter + adrenal insufficiency

Etiology: defective peroxisomal fatty acid oxidation impaired function of lignoceryl-coenzyme A ligase with accumulation of saturated very long chain fatty acids (cholesterol esters) in white matter + adrenal cortex + testes

Dx: assay of plasma, red cells, cultured skin fibroblasts for the presence of increased amounts of very long chain fatty acids

Mode of inheritance:

  1. X-linked recessive in boys (common)
  2. autosomal recessive in neonates (uncommon)

Histo: PAS cytoplasmic inclusions in brain, adrenals, other tissues

Age: 3–10 years (X-linked recessive)

Location: disease process usually starts in central occipital white matter advances anteriorly through internal and external capsules + centrum semiovale centripetal progression to involve subcortical white matter interhemispheric spread via corpus callosum particularly splenium involvement of optic radiation ± auditory system ± pyramidal tract



Prognosis: usually fatal within several years after onset of symptoms


= clinically milder form with later age of onset

  • symptoms of spinal cord demyelination + peripheral neuropathy