Nervous System Disorders
= failure of formation of corpus callosum originating at lamina terminalis at 713 weeks from where a phalanx of callosal tissue extends backward arching over the diencephalon; usually developed by 20 weeks EGA
Incidence: 0.75.3%
Cause: congenital / acquired (← infarction of ACA)
Histo: axons from cerebral hemispheres that would normally cross continue along medial walls of lateral ventricles as longitudinal callosal bundles of Probst that terminate randomly in occipital + temporal lobes
Associated with:
- CNS anomalies (85%):
- Dandy-Walker cyst (11%)
- Interhemispheric arachnoid cyst may be continuous with 3rd and lateral ventricles
- Hydrocephalus (30%)
- Midline intracerebral lipoma of corpus callosum often surrounded with ring of calcium (10%)
- Arnold-Chiari II malformation (7%)
- Midline encephalocele
- Porencephaly
- Holoprosencephaly
- Hypertelorism median cleft syndrome
- Polymicrogyria, gray-matter heterotopia
- Cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, genitourinary anomalies (62%)
- Abnormal karyotype (trisomy 13, 15, 18)
- normal brain function in isolated agenesis
- intellectual impairment; seizures
- absence of septum pellucidum + corpus callosum + cavum septi pellucidi
- longitudinal bundles of Probst create crescentic lateral ventricles:
- colpocephaly (= dilatation of trigones + occipital horns + posterior temporal horns in the absence of splenium
- bat-wing appearance of lateral ventricles (= wide separation of lateral ventricles with straight parallel parasagittal orientation with absent callosal body)
- laterally convex frontal horns in case of absent genu of corpus callosum
- high-riding third ventricle = upward displacement of widened 3rd ventricle often to level of bodies of lateral ventricle
- anterior interhemispheric fissure adjoins elevated 3rd ventricle ± communication (PATHOGNOMONIC)
- interhemispheric cyst = interhemispheric CSF collection as an upward extension of 3rd ventricle
- enlarged foramina of Monro
- sunburst gyral pattern = dysgenesis of cingulate gyrus with characteristic radial orientation of cerebral sulci from the roof of the 3rd ventricle (on sagittal images)
- failure of normal convergence of calcarine + parietooccipital sulci
- persistent eversion of cingulate gyrus (rotated inferiorly + laterally) with absence on midsagittal images
- incomplete formation of Ammon's horn in the hippocampus
OB-US (>22 weeks GA):
- absence of septum pellucidum
- teardrop ventriculomegaly = disproportionate enlargement of occipital horns = colpocephaly
- dilated + elevated 3rd ventricle
- radial array pattern of medial cerebral sulci
- wandering straight posterior course of pericallosal arteries (lateral view)
- wide separation of pericallosal arteries ← intervening 3rd ventricle (anterior view)
- separation of internal cerebral veins
- loss of U-shape in vein of Galen
- Prominent cavum septi pellucidi + cavum vergae (should not be mistaken for 3rd ventricle)
- Arachnoid cyst in midline (suprasellar, collicular plate) raising and deforming the 3rd ventricle and causing hydrocephalus
Partial Agenesis of Corpus Callosum
= milder form of callosal dysgenesis (best seen on MR) depending on time of arrested growth (anteroposterior development of genu + body + splenium, however, rostrum forming last)
- genu only
- genu + part of the body
- genu + entire body
- genu + body + splenium (without rostrum)