Nervous System Disorders
Cause: long-standing temporal lobe epilepsy
Histo: marked neuronal loss + astrogliosis in hippocampal subfields CA1 + CA3 + CA4
Mechanism for excitotoxicity-induced neuronal death:
- seizures → excessive neuronal depolarization → overproduction of excitory amino acid neurotransmitters → excessive activation of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors → unregulated entry of Ca2+→ neuronal swelling with cytotoxic edema
Location: uni- / bilateral; symmetric / asymmetric
- hippocampal atrophy + loss of internal architecture
- increased signal intensity on T2WI
- dilatation of temporal horn
Associated limbic system findings:
- ipsilateral atrophy of fornix (55%)
- ipsilateral atrophy of mamillary body (26%)
Associated extrahippocampal abnormalities:
- increased SI of anterior temporal lobe cortex (38%)
- cerebral hemiatrophy (1%)
Rx: amygdalohippocampectomy