Bone and Soft-Tissue Disorders
[James Stephen Ewing (18661943), American pathologist, first professor of pathology at Cornell University]
Frequency: 3% of all pediatric cancers; 2nd most common primary malignant bone tumor in children and adolescents after osteosarcoma; 4th most common bone tumor after multiple myeloma, osteosarcoma, chondrosarcoma
Incidence: 200 cases / year in USA; 13÷1,000,000 children
Histo: crowded sheets of small round cells (1015 µm), uniformly sized + solidly packed invading medullary cavity and entering subperiosteum via Haversian canals producing osteolysis, periostitis, soft-tissue mass; glycogen granules present (DDx to reticulum cell sarcoma); absence of alkaline phosphatase (DDx to osteosarcoma)
DDx small round cells:
- Ewing sarcoma, lymphoma, osteosarcoma, myeloma, neuroblastoma, embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma, eosinophilic granuloma
Immunohisto: positive for CD99 (MIC2, in 90%), vimentin, neuronspecific enolase, Leu7 (CD57), FL-1 protein
Peak age: 1015 years (range, 5 months 54 years); in 95% 425 years; in 30% <10 years; in 39% 1115 years; in 31% >15 years; in 50% <20 years; M÷F = 1.5÷1; Caucasians in 96%, Blacks in 0.52%
- severe localized pain (8288%); soft-tissue mass / swelling (60%)
- fever (2049%), leukocytosis; anemia (in early metastases)
- ↑erythrocyte sedimentation rate (43%) simulating infection
- femur (21%), ilium (13%), tibia (11%), humerus (10%), fibula (8%), hand or foot (5%), radius or ulna (4%), clavicle (2%)
- long bones in 60%: metadiaphysis (4459%), middiaphysis (33%), metaphysis (15%), metaepiphyseal (6%), epiphysis (2%); extension into epiphysis (in up to 10%)
- flat bones in 40%:, ribs (in 7% >age 10; in 30% <age 10), vertebrae (in 310%, lumbar >thoracic >cervical spine), pelvis, sacrum (6%), scapula (5%), calvaria (1%), mandible or maxilla (1%), facial bones (0.5%), sternum (0.2%)
- >20 years of age predominantly in flat bones
- <20 years of age predominantly in cylindrical bones (tumor derived from red marrow)
- 810 cm long aggressive lesion in shaft of long bone (62% lytic, 23% mixed density, 15% dense):
- mottled moth-eaten to permeative destructive lesion (7682%) with wide zone of transition in 96%
- geographic bone destruction with wide zone of transition (= poor margination) in 15%
- penetration into soft tissue (5680%) with preservation of tissue planes (DDx: osteomyelitis with diffuse soft-tissue swelling)
- early fusiform lamellated onionskin periosteal reaction (5384%) / spiculated sunburst / hair-on-end (23%), Codman triangle
- cortical thickening (21%) + saucerization (6%)
- cortical destruction (1942%) ± cortical sequestration
- reactive sclerotic new bone (3240%) of dense cloudlike osteoid appearance
- pathologic fracture (15%)
- expansile bone remodeling (13%)
- density of soft-tissue component similar to muscle (98%):
- commonly homogeneous
- frequently asymmetrically circumferential
- linear channels of low attenuation extending through dense cortex ← tumor extension along neurovascular + haversian channels (66%)
- diffuse / peripheral nodular enhancement
MR (best modality):
- homogeneous (73%) intermediate SI (95%) on T1WI
- homogeneous (86%) low to intermediate (68%) SI on T2WI
- heterogeneously high signal commonly in larger lesions ← hemorrhage + necrosis
- marrow replacement (100%)
- cortical destruction (92%)
- associated asymmetrically circumferential soft-tissue mass (96%)
- visible connection between medullary canal + soft-tissue component (74%)
- diffuse / peripheral nodular enhancement
- ↑uptake on bone scintigraphy (blood flow, blood pool, delayed imaging)
- ↑uptake on gallium scintigraphy
- ↑uptake of primary on PET with mean SUV of (a) 5.3 without metastases, (b) 11.3 with metastases
- depiction of osseous metastasis (3788% sensitive)
- Ewing sarcoma of vertebra:
- Prevalence: 3.515%
- Mean age: 19 years; M÷F = 3÷2
- Location: sacrum (55%), lumbar (25%), thoracic >cervical; >1 segment involved (8%)
- Site:
- posterior elements (70%) with extension into vertebral body (86%)
- vertebral body (30%) with extension into posterior elements (83%)
- large soft-tissue mass with invasion of spinal canal (91%)
- disk spaces usually preserved
- Ewing sarcoma of rib:
- primarily lytic / sclerotic / mixture of lysis + sclerosis
- disproportionately large inhomogeneous soft-tissue mass
- large intrathoracic + minimal extrathoracic component
- may spread into spinal canal via intervertebral foramen
Metastases to: lung, bones, regional lymph nodes in 1130% at time of diagnosis, in 4045% within 2 years of diagnosis
Cx: pathologic fracture (514%)
Prognosis: 6075% 5-year survival
- Multiple myeloma (older age group)
- Osteomyelitis (duration of pain <2 weeks)
- Eosinophilic granuloma (solid periosteal reaction)
- Osteosarcoma (ossification in soft tissue, near age 20, no lamellar periosteal reaction)
- Reticulum cell sarcoma (clinically healthy, between 30 and 50 years, no glycogen)
- Neuroblastoma (<age 5)
- Anaplastic metastatic carcinoma (>30 years of age)
- Osteosarcoma
- Hodgkin disease
Extraskeletal Ewing Sarcoma
= aggressive tumor with high rate of recurrence
Origin: likely neuroectodermal
Prevalence: 1520% of Ewing sarcoma of bone
Median age: 20 (range, 20 months30 years)
- pain and tenderness (49%)
Location: paravertebral (32%), lower extremity (26%), chest wall (18%), retroperitoneum (11%), pelvis and hip (11%), upper extremity (3%), head & neck (nose, nasopharynx, parotid gland, cervical soft tissues)
Site: deep (92%), subcutaneous (8%)
Metastatic to: lung
- 510 cm rapidly growing solitary soft-tissue tumor
- well-defined pseudocapsule (35%), infiltrative growth (45%), neurovascular involvement (73%)
- lesion calcification (2530%)
- extension to bone (2542%): erosion of adjacent bone, cortical thickening, osseous invasion, aggressive periosteal reaction
- NO replacement of fatty bone marrow by tumor
- hypervascular lesion by angiography, CT, MR
- mass of muscle density (87%)
- hypoattenuating areas ← hemorrhage + cellular necrosis
- heterogeneous mass of low to intermediate SI relative to muscle on T1WI
- intermediate to high SI relative to muscle on T2WI
- heterogeneous enhancement
- serpentine hypointense high-flow vascular channels
- ↑uptake after injection with FDG
Ewing Sarcoma Family of Tumors
◊Clinically, radiologically, and histologically very similar to PNET and Askin tumor!
Common karyotype abnormality = translocation between long arms of chromosomes 11 and 22 (t[11:22][q24;q12]) in 90%