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Bone and Soft-Tissue Disorders


= benign hypertrophic neoplastic process characterized by villous + nodular + villonodular proliferation and pigmentation from hemosiderin


  1. localized disease (77%)
    • extraarticular: in bursa / tendon sheath (71%)
    • intraarticular synovium (6%)
  2. diffuse intraarticular disease (23%)

Genetics: rearrangement in chromosome 1p11-13, a site for CSF-1 gene, commonly fusing to COL6a3 on chromosome 2q35; trisomy of chromosomes 5 and 7

Histo: mononuclear histiocytoid cells with reniform nuclei and plump eccentric eosinophilic cytoplasm, admixed with multinucleated giant cells + xanthoma cells; hemosiderin deposition

Diffuse Intraarticular PVNS 23%!!navigator!!


= benign locally destructive proliferation of mononuclear cells that resemble those in the synovium, admixed with multinuclear giant cells and inflammatory cells

Incidence: 1.8÷1,000,000 population per year; 0.9% of all benign soft-tissue masses

Path: infiltrative mass involving synovium of entire joint with thickening + irregular papillary / villous projections + larger nodular / villonodular protrusions

Histo: diffuse villonodular infiltrative sheetlike growth of synovial membrane with hyperplasia of undifferentiated connective tissue + multinucleated large cells ingesting hemosiderin / lipoid (foam / giant cells) ± fibrosis

Age: mainly 3rd–4th decade (range, 12–68 years); 50% <40 years; M÷F=1÷1

  • history of antecedent trauma (44–53%)
  • mean duration of symptoms: 15 (range 1–120) months
  • hemorrhagic “chocolate” / serosanguinous / xanthochromic joint effusion without trauma
  • insidious onset (93%) with intermittent fluctuating symptoms + slow progression:
    • pain (79–90%), swelling (72–79%)
    • soft-tissue mass (6–19%)
    • joint dysfunction (26–28%):
      • stiffness with decreased range of motion, joint locking

Location: knee (66–80%), hip (4–16%) >ankle >shoulder >elbow >tarsal + carpal joints; predominantly monoarticular


  • normal (in up to 21%)
  • soft-tissue swelling effusion + synovial proliferation:
    • dense soft tissues hemosiderin deposits
  • joint effusion in knee, but not relevant in other joints
  • extrinsic pressure erosion with rim of sclerosis involving both sides of joint: hip (93%), shoulder (75%), elbow (63%), ankle (56%), knee (30%)
  • multiple sites of irregular cystlike subchondral radiolucent defects invasion of bone by synovium
  • normal bone mineralization, preservation of joint space, NO calcifications until late in the disease:
    • joint space narrowing (7%)
    • degenerative disease (4%)
    • intraarticular osteochondral bodies (7%)
    • osteopenia (7%)


  • joint effusion
  • complex heterogeneous echogenic masses
  • markedly thickened hypoechoic synovium ± nodular / villous projections with increased blood flow


  • joint effusion of low-attenuation
  • diffuse synovial thickening
  • hyperattenuating to muscle (29%) hemosiderin
  • small radiographically invisible extrinsic erosions
  • subchondral cyst formation
  • juxtaarticular soft-tissue mass involvement of synovium in joint recesses + bursae

MR (optimal modality):

  • heterogeneous diffuse plaquelike synovial thickening ± nodularity of intermediate to low SI on T1WI + T2WI
  • lobulated intraarticular masses of synovial tissue with joint effusion
  • nearly PATHOGNOMONIC “blooming” artifact of low SI on gradient-echo pulse sequences magnetic susceptibility artifact of hemosiderin
  • high-SI areas fat, effusion, edema, inflammation
  • bone erosion / subchondral cyst (62%), septations (67%)
  • edema in adjacent bone / soft tissue (23%)
  • articular cartilaginous defects (31%)
  • scalloping / truncation of prefemoral fat pad


  • diffusely increased radionuclide activity on blood flow and blood pool >delayed images


  • hypermetabolic activity with maximum SUV values of up to 11.3


  • bloody (23%) / yellow (70%) / brownish (9%) effusion
  • extensive synovial thickening with villous / nodular projections extending into joint


  • prominent neovascularity with tumor blush
  • mild arteriovenous shunting

Rx: synovectomy (50% recurrence rate), arthrodesis, arthroplasty, radiation


  1. Degenerative / traumatic arthritis
  2. Synovial sarcoma (solitary calcified mass outside joint)
  3. Sclerosing hemangioma
  4. Benign xanthoma
  5. Xanthogranuloma

Intraarticular Localized Nodular Synovitis 6%!!navigator!!

= synovial lining without hemosiderin

= 1.6%–3.9% of all benign soft-tissue masses

Location: knee

Site: infrapatellar (67%), suprapatellar (24%), posterior intercondylar (10%)

Size: mean lesion diameter of 2.7 cm

  • mostly normal x-rays
  • localized soft-tissue opacity replacing normal region of adipose tissue in Hoffa fat pad


  • joint effusion (38%)
  • extrinsic erosion of bone (20%)
  • moderate contrast enhancement (48%)
  • soft-tissue mass of low to intermediate SI on T2WI
  • focal circular areas of low SI on T2WI (76%) hemosiderin deposition
  • linear / cleftlike areas of high signal intensity within mass (33%) entrapped joint fluid

Tenosynovial Giant Cell Tumor 71%!!navigator!!


= localized extraarticular form of PVNS solely involving tendon sheath

Incidence: 9.2÷1,000,000 annually; M÷F = 1÷1.5 to 1÷2.1

Path: circumscribed lobulated cauliflower-like nodular soft-tissue mass attached to tendon sheath / residing within known bursa

  • mean duration of symptoms: 19 (range 1–120) months
  • Chronic onset (88%) of:
    • soft-tissue mass (83–99%), pain (22–71%)
    • joint dysfunction / swelling (0–4%)

Size: 0.5–4.0 cm in greatest dimension


  1. tendon sheath:
    • hand & wrist (65–89%) specifically index and long fingers; volar÷dorsal aspect = 2÷1
      • 2nd most common soft-tissue mass of hand & wrist (after ganglia)
    • foot & ankle (5–15%)
    • rare: knee, hip, elbow, shoulder
  2. bursa: hip / knee


  • no abnormality (in up to 20%)
  • soft-tissue mass (50–70%)
  • extrinsic erosion of underlying bone with well-defined sclerotic margin (9–25%) simulating marrow invasion
  • periosteal reaction (8%), calcifications (6%)


  • hypoechoic solid mass with well-defined margins intimately related to involved tendon
  • mean length of 5.7 cm and mean circumference of 136°
  • mass does not move with tendon during dynamic sonography
