Nervous System Disorders
= late symptoms of DNA retrovirus infection attacking monocytes + macrophages → deficient cell-mediated immunity
Incidence: 1,200,000 HIV-seropositive persons (0.3% of population) in USA IN 2011; 14% undiagnosed; 50,000 new HIV infections per year
Histo: formation of microglial nodules instead of granulomas in 7580% of autopsied brains
- neurologic symptoms as initial complaint in 710%, ultimately afflict up to 4060%: personality + mental status changes, headache, memory loss, difficulty to concentrate, depression, confusion, dementia, new onset of seizures, focal deficit from mass lesion
- Any male with neurologic symptoms between age 20 and 50 has AIDS until proven otherwise
- Unusual presentations are clues to HIV infection: pansinusitis, mastoiditis, parotid cysts, cervical adenopathy, hypointense spine
Rx: azidothymidine (AZT)
- Malnutrition, dehydration, steroid therapy, chronic dialysis, normal aging
- AIDS dementia complex (ADC)
= cognitive disturbances → progressing to dementia
Etiology: HIV-1 infection of CNS macrophages generating neurotoxic factors
Prevalence: 727% of AIDS patients
Histo: predominantly perivascular HIV encephalitis; HIV leukoencephalopathy characterized by diffuse myelin loss + infiltration by macrophages
- cerebral atrophy
- subtly increased signal intensities on T2 and FLAIR sequences without mass effect ← leaky capillaries with egress of water:
- focal / diffuse
- symmetric / asymmetric
- reversible / nonreversible
- Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy
- Toxoplasmosis
- Primary CNS lymphoma (PCNSL)
- Fungal, granulomatous, viral, bacterial infection
- Cryptococcosis
- Other opportunistic CNS infections:
- tuberculosis
- neurosyphilis
- With multiple CNS lesions toxoplasmic encephalitis is the more likely diagnosis!
- With a single CNS lesion the probability of lymphoma is at least equal to toxoplasmosis!