Nervous System Disorders
= cyst arising from folding of neuroepithelium with trapping of secretory products + desquamated choroid epithelium
Incidence: 0.93.6% in sonographic population; in up to 50% of autopsied brains
Histo: epithelial-lined cyst, filled with clear fluid ± debris
May be associated with: aneuploidy (76% in trisomy 18, 17% in trisomy 21, 7% in triploidy / Klinefelter syndrome)
- In the absence of other anomalies 1% of fetuses with choroid plexus cysts will have trisomy 18!
- In the presence of other anomalies 4% of fetuses with choroid plexus cysts will have trisomy 18!
- 4071% of autopsied fetuses with trisomy 18 have choroid plexus cysts bilaterally >10 mm in diameter
- The risk of chromosomal abnormalities is not linked to size, bilaterality, gestational age at appearance / disappearance of choroid plexus cysts!
Location: frequently at level of atrium; bi- / unilateral; 3rd ventricle (rare)
Site: body of plexus ± protrusion into ventricular cavity
Average size: 4.5 (range, 225) mm
- single / multiple round anechoic cysts
- iso- to slightly hyperattenuating compared with CSF
- iso- to hyperintense on T1WI compared with CSF
- hyperintense on T2WI compared with CSF
- incompletely hypointense (suppressed) on FLAIR
- restricted diffusion = hyperintense on DWI (66%)
- nodular / rim enhancement
Cx: hydrocephalus (if cyst large)
Prognosis: 90% disappear by 26th28th week; may persist; in 95% of no significance
- a choroid plexus cyst should stimulate a thorough sonographic examination at >19 weeks; if no other sonographic abnormalities are identified, the yield of abnormal karyotype is low so that the risk of trisomy 18 (1÷450500) is lower than risk of fetal loss due to amniocentesis (~ 1÷200300)
Risk of karyotype abnormality:
- increased by 10 times with 1 additional defect
- increased by 600 times with ≥2 additional defects
- Choroid plexus pseudocyst in the inferolateral aspect of atrium (? corpus striatum) on oblique coronal plane, which elongates by turning transducer
- Ependymal cyst (no enhancement)
- Villous hyperplasia (very rare, uniform strong enhancement)