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Nervous System Disorders

= cyst arising from folding of neuroepithelium with trapping of secretory products + desquamated choroid epithelium

Incidence: 0.9–3.6% in sonographic population; in up to 50% of autopsied brains

Histo: epithelial-lined cyst, filled with clear fluid ± debris

May be associated with: aneuploidy (76% in trisomy 18, 17% in trisomy 21, 7% in triploidy / Klinefelter syndrome)

Location: frequently at level of atrium; bi- / unilateral; 3rd ventricle (rare)

Site: body of plexus ± protrusion into ventricular cavity

Average size: 4.5 (range, 2–25) mm




Cx: hydrocephalus (if cyst large)

Prognosis: 90% disappear by 26th–28th week; may persist; in 95% of no significance


Risk of karyotype abnormality:


  1. Choroid plexus pseudocyst in the inferolateral aspect of atrium (? corpus striatum) on oblique coronal plane, which elongates by turning transducer
  2. Ependymal cyst (no enhancement)
  3. Villous hyperplasia (very rare, uniform strong enhancement)