Bone and Soft-Tissue Disorders
Etiology: excess growth hormone ← eosinophilic adenoma / hyperplasia in anterior pituitary
- gigantism in children: advanced bone age + excessive height (DDx: Sotos syndrome of cerebral gigantism = large skull, mental retardation, cerebral atrophy, advanced bone age)
- osseous enlargement (phalangeal tufts, vertebrae)
- flared ends of long bone
- cystic changes in carpals, femoral trochanters
- osteoporosis
- Hand
- widening of terminal tufts
- Skull
- prognathism (= elongation of mandible) in few cases
- sellar enlargement + erosion
- enlargement of paranasal sinuses: large frontal sinuses (75%)
- calvarial hyperostosis: especially inner table
- enlarged occipital protuberance
- Vertebrae
- posterior scalloping in 30% ← pressure of enlarged soft tissue
- anterior new bone
- loss of disk space (weakening of cartilage)
- Soft tissue
- Joints
- premature osteoarthritis (commonly knees)