Bone and Soft-Tissue Disorders
Autosomal dominant; M <F
Associated with CHD: secundum type ASD (most common), VSD, persistent left SVC, tetralogy, CoA
- intermittent cardiac arrhythmia; bradycardia (5060/min)
Location: upper extremity only involved; symmetry of lesions is the rule; left side may be more severely affected
- aplasia / hypoplasia of radial structures: thumb, 1st metacarpal, carpal bones, radius
- absent / fingerized hypoplastic / triphalangeal thumb
- slender elongated hypoplastic carpals + metacarpals
- hypoplastic radius; absent radial styloid
- shallow glenoid fossa → voluntary dislocation of shoulder (common)
- hypoplastic clavicula
- high arched palate
- cervical scoliosis
- pectus excavatum