Nervous System Disorders
= macrophage-related disorder characterized by excess lymphocytes + activated macrophages, typically with hemophagocytosis
Histo: absence of CD1a
Location: bone marrow, spleen, liver, lymph nodes
- primary / familial autosomal recessive form (~ 25%) in infants
- secondary form in older children + adults
Associated with: infection, prolonged immunosuppression
- serum ferritin levels >10,000 µg/L (90% sensitive, 96% specific)
- seizures, altered consciousness, hemiparesis, ataxia
- nuchal rigidity
Chest X-ray:
- interstitial opacities ± pleural effusion
- subcortical white matter foci with ↑ T2 signal intensity
Location: frontal + parietal lobes, basal ganglia - leptomeningeal enhancement
- cerebral volume loss → dilated ventricles + prominent extra-axial fluid
- calcifications favoring gray-white matter junction
- hepatosplenomegaly
- gallbladder wall thickening, ↑ periportal echogenicity
- ascites, lymphadenopathy
- nephromegaly, ↑ renal cortical echogenicity
Dx: at least 5 of 8 criteria: (1) fever (2) splenomegaly (3) cytopenia of at least two cell lineages (4) hypertriglyceridemia ± hyperfibrinogenemia (5) tissue hemophagocytosis (6) low and/or absent natural killer cell activity (7) hyperferritinemia (8) high-soluble interleukin-2 receptor levels
Prognosis: variably relapsing + remitting / rapidly progressive; fatal if untreated