Bone and Soft-Tissue Disorders
= autosomal recessive inheritance; most commonly in populations with consanguineous marriages (Japanese, Jewish)
Age: shortly after adolescence; M÷F = 1÷1
- characteristic habitus + stature:
- symmetric retardation of growth
- absent adolescent growth spurt
- dwarf with short stature + light body weight
- spindly extremities with stocky trunk
- beak-shaped nose + shallow orbits
- premature senescence:
- birdlike appearance; graying of hair + premature baldness
- hyperpigmentation; voice alteration; bilateral cataracts
- diffuse arteriosclerosis; osteoporosis
- scleroderma-like skin changes:
- atrophic skin + muscles; circumscribed hyperkeratosis
- telangiectasia; tight skin; cutaneous ulcerations
- localized soft-tissue calcifications
- endocrine abnormalities:
- generalized osteoporosis
- Skull
- thin cranial vault
- delayed sutural closure + wormian bones
- hypoplastic facial bones (maxilla + mandible)
- Chest
- narrow thorax + slender ribs
- progressive resorption with fibrous replacement of outer portions of thinned clavicles (HALLMARK)
- coronary artery + heart valve calcifications with cardiac enlargement
- Extremities & joints
- short + slender long bones
- coxa valga
- valgus of humeral head
- acroosteolysis of terminal phalanges (occasionally)
- flexion + extension deformities of toes (hallux valgus, pes planus)
- excessive degenerative joint disease of major + peripheral joints
- neurotrophic joint lesions (feet)
- widespread osteomyelitis + septic arthritis (hands, feet, limbs)
- Soft tissue
- soft-tissue atrophy of extremities
- soft-tissue calcifications around bony prominences (ankle, wrist, elbow, knee)
- peripheral vascular calcifications = premature atherosclerosis
Prognosis: most patients die in their 30s / 40s from complications of arteriosclerosis (myocardial infarction, stroke) or neoplasm (sarcoma, meningioma, thyroid carcinoma)
DDx: Cockayne syndrome (mental retardation, retinal atrophy, deafness, family history)