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Nervous System Disorders

= HPE = spectrum of congenital structural forebrain + midface anomalies characterized by failure of prosencephalon to divide (= cleavage disorder) varying degrees of frontal lobe “fusion” (= noncleavage of cerebral hemispheres)

Etiology: multifactorial with environmental factors (maternal diabetes, ethyl alcohol, cigarette smoking, retinoic acid); chromosomal and genetic abnormalities; teratogen exposure; syndromic associations

Classic holoprosencephaly is a primary defect of ventral induction and patterning total / partial failure of separation of prosencephalon into 2 separate hemispheres.


arrested lateral ventricular growth in 6-week embryo lack of cleavage / diverticulation of forebrain (= prosencephalon), laterally (cerebral hemispheres), transversely (telencephalon, diencephalon), horizontally (optic + olfactory structures) cortical brain tissue develops to cover monoventricle and fuses in midline posterior part of the monoventricle becomes enlarged and saclike

Associated with: agenesis of corpus callosum, septo-optic dysplasia, absence of cavum septi pellucidi

Sequence of disorders in prosencephalic ventral induction:

aprosencephaly atelencephaly alobar HPE semilobar HPE syntelencephaly lobar HPE

Prevalence: 1÷10,000 in live and stillbirths; M÷F = 1÷1

Classification (DeMyer):

  1. alobar = no hemispheric development
  2. semilobar = some hemispheric development
  3. lobar = frontal and temporal lobation + small monoventricle

Associated with:

polyhydramnios (60%), genital defects (24%), postaxial polydactyly (8%), vertebral defects (5%), limb reduction defects (4%), transposition of great arteries (4%), renal and cardiac anomalies; chromosomal anomalies (predominantly trisomy 13 + 18 in 24–45%)

Associated borderline syndromesdiencephalic malformation:

  1. Anophthalmia
  2. Microphthalmia
  3. Aplasia of pituitary gland
  4. Olfactogenital dysplasia
  5. Septooptic dysplasia

Prognosis: not uniformly lethal depending on severity of brain and facial malformations, presence of chromosomal abnormalities, involvement of other organs, and presence of multiple anomaly syndrome


  1. Severe hydrocephalus (roughly symmetrically thinned cortex)
  2. Dandy-Walker cyst (normal supratentorial ventricular system)
  3. Hydranencephaly (frontal + parietal cortex most severely affected)
  4. Agenesis of corpus callosum with midline cyst (lateral ventricles widely separated with pointed superolateral margin)

Alobar Holoprosencephaly!!navigator!!

= extreme form in which the prosencephalon does not divide

  • minimal motor activity, little sensory response (ineffective brain function); seizures
  • severe facial anomalies (“the face predicts the brain”):
    1. Normal face in 17%
    2. Cyclopia (= midline single orbit); may have proboscis (= fleshy supraorbital prominence)
      + absent nose [pro, Greek = forward; boscos, Greek = feed;proboskis, latinized = forward feeder, eg, elephant trunk]
      Embryology: developmental interruption of single midline eye field into L + R eyes under signaling influence of prechordal plate
    3. Ethmocephaly = 2 hypoteloric orbits + proboscis between eyes and absence of nasal structures
    4. Cebocephaly = 2 hypoteloric orbits + single nostril with small flattened nose + absent nasal septum
      [kebos, Greek = monkey; kephale, Greek = head]
    5. Median cleft lip + cleft palate + hypotelorism
      • absent philtrum
    6. Others: micrognathia, trigonocephaly (early closure of metopic suture), microphthalmia, microcephaly

In alobar holoprosencephaly prosencephalic cleavage fails single midline forebrain with primitive monoventricle often associated with a large dorsal cyst.

  • crescent-shaped holoventricle = single large ventricle without occipital or temporal horns:
    • “horseshoe” / “boomerang” configuration of brain
      = peripheral rim of cerebral cortex displaced rostrally (coronal plane)
      1. ball configuration (most common) = complete covering of monoventricle without dorsal cyst
      2. cup configuration = more cortex visible posteriorly
      3. pancake configuration = cortex covers monoventricle to edge of dorsal cyst

    • cerebral mantle pachygyric
  • absence of: anterior commissure, cavum septi pellucidi, falxcerebri, interhemispheric fissure, corpus callosum, fornix, optic tracts, olfactory bulb (= arrhinencephaly), internal cerebral veins, superior + inferior straight sagittal sinus, vein of Galen, tentorium, sylvian fissure, opercular cortex
  • normal / fused / absent optic nerves
  • fused thalami:
    • protrusion of anteriorly placed fused hypothalamic and thalamic nuclei + basal ganglia into monoventricle resulting in absence of 3rd ventricle
  • large dorsal cyst (in 92%) occupying most of calvarium widely communicating with single ventricle
    Cause: fused thalami obstruct CSF flow posterior ballooning of 3rd ventricle through suprapineal recess (= point of least resistance)
  • pancakelike cerebrum in posterior cranium
  • ± single / azygos anterior cerebral artery:
    • ± absence of middle + anterior cerebral arteries replaced by network of vessels arising from ICA + basilar vessels
  • midbrain, brainstem, cerebellum structurally normal
  • midline clefts in maxilla + palate

Prognosis: death within 1st year of life / stillborn

DDx: severe hydrocephalus, hydranencephaly (normal thalamic cleavage, partially visualized falx cerebri)

Semilobar Holoprosencephaly!!navigator!!

= intermediate form with incomplete cleavage of prosencephalon (more midline differentiation + beginning of sagittal separation) with >50%fusion of frontal lobes

  • absent / mild facial anomalies: midline cleft lip + palate
  • hypotelorism
  • mental retardation
  • single ventricular chamber with partially formed occipital horns + rudimentary temporal horns
  • peripheral rim of brain tissue is several cm thick
  • partially fused thalami anteriorly situated + abnormally rotated resulting in small 3rd ventricle:
  • dorsal cyst (in 28%) macrocephaly (if cyst large)
  • absence of septum pellucidum + corpus callosum + olfactory bulb:
  • part of corpus callosum may be present between posteriorly separated hemispheres
  • rudimentary falx cerebri + interhemispheric fissure form posteriorly + caudally with partial separation of occipital lobes
  • incomplete hippocampal formation

Prognosis: infants survive frequently into adulthood

Lobar Holoprosencephaly!!navigator!!

= mildest form with formation of 3rd ventricle + some frontal horn + splenium and posterior body of corpus callosum

  • May be part of septooptic dysplasia!
  • usually not associated with facial anomalies except for hypotelorism, mild to severe mental retardation
  • spasticity, athetoid movements
  • interhemispheric fissure present along nearly entire midline
  • separation into 2 cerebral hemispheres + 2 lateral ventricles
  • closely apposed bodies of mildly dilated lateral ventricles
  • distinct occipital + frontal horns
  • colpocephaly
  • dorsal cyst (in 9%)
  • rudimentary unseparated frontal horns of angular squared shape + flat roof (on coronal images) dysplastic frontal lobes
  • dysplastic anterior falx + interhemispheric fissure
  • absence of septum pellucidum + sylvian fissures
  • corpus callosum usually normal / incomplete
  • hippocampal formation nearly normal
  • basal ganglia + thalami completely / almost completely separated
  • pachygyria (= abnormally wide + plump gyri), lissencephaly (= smooth gyri)

Prognosis: survival into adulthood
