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Bone and Soft-Tissue Disorders

= malignant tumor of mesenchymal origin rarely arising from lipoma

Frequency: 10–16–35% of all soft-tissue sarcomas; 2nd most common soft-tissue sarcoma in adults (after malignant fibrous histiocytoma)

Prevalence: 4.1÷1,000,000 in USA (2001)

Age: 5th–6th decade; M÷F = 1÷1

Path: wide spectrum of pathologic appearances varying from circumscribed lesions consisting predominantly of adipose tissue to circumscribed / infiltrating masses without any macroscopically visible adipose elements

Histo:<50% of liposarcomas contain lipid material; nonadipose components include fibrosis, inflammation, areas of myxoid change, fat necrosis ± calcification


  1. well-differentiated = lipogenic subtype (50%)
  2. dedifferentiated round cell subtype (10%)
  3. myxoid subtype (20–50%)
  4. pleomorphic subtype (5–15%)
  5. mixed subtype (5–12%)

Molecular features: ring chromosome derived from chromosome 12; MDM2 + CDK4 amplification

Location: lower extremity (45%), abdominal cavity and retroperitoneum (14%), trunk (14%), upper extremity (7.6%), head & neck (4–6.5%), miscellaneous (13.5 %)

Spread: hematogenous to lung, visceral organs; myxoid liposarcoma shows tendency for serosal + pleural surfaces, subcutaneous tissue, bone; regional nodal metastases (in <10%)

Criteria favoring liposarcoma over lipoma:

Rx: wide surgical excision ± radiation therapy ± adjunct chemotherapy

Well-differentiated Liposarcoma (50%)!!navigator!!


= locally aggressive tumor of intermediate malignant potential with <25% of tissue volume consisting of fat

Peak age: 6th–7th decade; M÷F = 1÷1

Path: large multilobulated well-circumscribed mass

Histo: malignant lipoblasts with large amounts of lipid + scanty myxoid matrix; 5 variants (lipoma-like, sclerosing, inflammatory, spindle cell, liposarcoma with meningothelial whorls)


  1. deep soft tissues of extremities (65–75%): thigh
  2. retroperitoneum (20–33%): presenting quite large with >20 cm in diameter
  3. upper extremity (14%)
  4. head & neck (5%)

Site: intramuscular >intermuscular / subcutaneous

  • round / lobulated mass of fat density displacing surrounding structures


  • soft-tissue mass of >10 cm in diameter:
    • fat detectable in extremities, not in retroperitoneum
    • calcification / metaplastic ossification (10–32%)


  • heterogeneous multi-lobulated well-defined mass
  • hyperechoic / variably echogenic fat

CT / MR:

  • adipose mass with low proportion of fat content (<25% of tumor volume)
  • presence of nonadipose focal globular masslike areas and enhancing septa >2 mm ± nodularity:
    • high attenuation on CT
    • hypo- / isointense relative to skeletal muscle on T1WI
    • hyperintense relative to skeletal muscle on T2WI


  • moderate (¼) / marked (¾) septal enhancement

Prognosis:NO metastatic potential; risk of local recurrence (43% in extremity, 70% in groin, 91% in retroperitoneum)

Dedifferentiated Liposarcoma (10%)!!navigator!!

Path: high-grade fibrosarcoma / malignant fibrous histiocytoma (90%) mixed with well-differentiated areas

Histo: supernumerary ring / giant chromosomes derived from 12q13–15 regions

Age: 7th decade; M÷F = 1÷1

Location: deep (retroperitoneum÷extremity = 3÷1); head & neck + trunk + spermatic cord (<20%); subcutis (<1%)

Development: 7–8 years from well-differentiated liposarcoma

  • large components identical to well-differentiated liposarcoma
  • additionally focal nodular nonlipomatous regions >1 cm in size of low to intermediate SI on T1WI + high SI on T2WI:
    • fibrous collagenized tissue
    • metaplastic mineralization
    • fat necrosis

Prognosis: more aggressive than well-differentiated liposarcoma with local recurrence in 41% + distant metastasis (lung, liver, bone) in 21%

Myxoid Liposarcoma!!navigator!!

= tumor of intermediate differentiation with varying degrees of mucin + fibrous tissue + relatively little lipid (<10%)

Path: fat content often <10–25% obscuring typical features of lipomatous tumors

Histo: plexiform vascular network + mixture of stellate spindle-shaped mesenchymal cells + lipoblasts in a basophilic myxoid ground substance

Genetics: reciprocal translocation of t(12;16)(q13;p11)

Peak age: 4th–5th decade (most common subtype to affect children); M÷F= 1÷1

Location: intermuscular fascial plane (70–80%) in deep-seated area


  1. lower extremity (75–80%): medial thigh, popliteal region, groin, buttock, calf
  2. retroperitoneum (8%)
  3. upper extremity (5%)
  • well-defined multilobulated intermuscular mass:
    • density between water + muscle on CT mimicking a cyst
    • T1 prolongation with a cystic appearance (in 5–10%)
    • very long relaxation times of large component of myxoid matrix (22%)
    • PATHOGNOMONIC lacy / linear amorphous foci of fat intensity (in 90–95%) of approx. 10% of entire lesion
    • peripheral nodular (61%) / central nodular (44%) / diffuse (17%) enhancement


  • anechoic mass ± thin septa (disproving fluid content)

Dx: biopsy of adipose area

Prognosis: frequent recurrence; metastasis in unusual locations (opposite extremity, retroperitoneum, chest wall, pelvis); 5-year mortality of 47–77%


  1. Myxoma (intramuscular, only thin rind of perilesional fat on T1WI, surrounding muscle atrophy + edema)
  2. Synovial cyst / ganglion (typical location, thick wall and surrounding edema, clinical history of liquefied hematoma / abscess)

Pleomorphic Liposarcoma!!navigator!!

Histo: marked cellular pleomorphism, paucity of lipid + mucin = highly undifferentiated

  • well-defined mass ± infiltrative margins:
    • intensity of muscle (no distinguishing imaging features from other soft-tissue sarcomas) in 84%
    • small lacy / linear / amorphous foci containing <1% fat in 62–75% (fat suppression technique!)
    • prominent heterogeneity with tumor necrosis in 81%

Dx: biopsy of adipose foci

Prognosis: aggressive high-grade sarcoma with marked propensity for tumor recurrence + metastases (lung); 5-year survival of 21–63%
