Bone and Soft-Tissue Disorders
[Proteus = Greek god who could change his shape, Elephant Man]
= cutaneous + visceral combined lymphatic-venous malformations with multiple subcutaneous hamartomas, pigmented nevi, hemihypertrophy, hand or foot overgrowth, bone exostoses, lipomatosis
Incidence:>200 cases
Cause: mutation in Akt-1 kinase
- mild symptoms at birth with rapid aggravation at puberty
Diagnostic criteria:
- group A connective tissue nevi
- group B linear epithelial nevi
- asymmetric overgrowth (limbs, spine, skull, internal organs)
- bilateral ovarian cystadenomas / parotid monomorphic adenoma before 2nd decade of life
- group C lipomas / localized absence of fat
- low-flow vascular malformations
- lung cysts
- facial malformations
Dx: A + 2 criteria of group B or 3 criteria of group C
- asymmetric overgrowth of bones + soft tissues
- hypertrophy of fat
- skull enlargement
- wall thickening of digestive tract
- cystic emphysematous changes of lung