= anterior displacement of one vertebra over another
Direction: anterolisthesis, retrolisthesis, lateral translation
Prevalence: 4% of general population
Causes (Newman classification):
Grades IIV (Meyerding method): each grade equals ¼ anterior subluxation of upper on lower vertebral body
Isthmic Spondylolisthesis = open-arch type
= pars interarticularis defect between superior + inferior articulating processes as weakest portion of spinal unit → separation of anterior part (vertebral body, pedicles, transverse processes, superior articular facet) slipping forward from posterior part (inferior facet, laminae, dorsal spinous process)
Cause: usually bilateral spondylolysis
Age: often <45 years
Location: L5-S1 (most common) or L4-5
Degenerative Spondylolisthesis = closed-arch type
Cause: degenerative / inflammatory joint disease (eg, rheumatoid arthritis)
Pathophysiology: excess motion of facet joints allowing forward / posterior movement
Age: usually >60 years; M <F (at L4-5)