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Skull and Spine Disorders


= benign locally aggressive infiltrative epithelial neoplasm

Prevalence: most common (10%) of odontogenic tumors

Origin: enamel-forming odontogenic epithelium of dental follicle that failed to regress during embryonic development; 30–50% arise from epithelium of dentigerous cyst (= mural ameloblastoma)

Classification (WHO 2006):

  1. intraosseous: arises in jaw as unicystic / desmoplastic / mixed cystic + solid (most aggressive) lesion
  2. extraosseous (peripheral): sessile / pedunculated mass confined to gingiva / alveolar mucosa

Age: 20–40 years; M÷F = 1÷1

Location: ramus + posterior body of mandible (75%), maxilla (25%)

Site: in region of bicuspids + molars, typically 3rd molar (angle of mandible commonly affected)


Prognosis: frequently local recurrence even more aggressive after excision; rarely metastasize to lung

Cx: may undergo carcinomatous change

Rx: wide surgical resection ± radiation therapy