Bone and Soft-Tissue Disorders
Age: usually infants + children
Cause: overdosing vitamin A, 13-cis-retinoic acid (treatment for neuroblastoma)
- anorexia, irritability; jaundice, enlargement of liver
- loss of hair, dry skin, pruritus, fissures of lips
- separation of cranial sutures (coronal >lambdoid) ← hydrocephalus in children <10 years of age, may appear within a few days
- symmetrical solid periosteal new-bone formation along shafts of long + short bones (ulna, clavicle)
- premature epiphyseal closure + thinning of epiphyseal plates
- accelerated growth
- tendinous, ligamentous, pericapsular calcifications
- changes usually disappear after cessation of vitamin A ingestion
DDx: infantile cortical hyperostosis (mandible involved)