Skull and Spine Disorders
= autoimmune disease of unknown etiology characterized by inflammation of multiple articular + paraarticular structures frequently resulting in bone ankylosis primarily affecting axial skeleton
Prevalence: 0.10.2% of general population
Peak age: 1535 years; M÷F = 3÷1 to 10÷1; Caucasian÷Blacks = 3÷1
Associated with:
- Ulcerative colitis, regional enteritis
- Iritis in 25%
- Aortic insufficiency + atrioventricular conduction defect
- HLA-B27 antigen positive in 96%
- insidious onset of low back pain + stiffness
Path: involves synovial + cartilaginous joints and sites of ligamentous attachment
- axial skeleton: sacroiliac joints, thoracolumbar + lumbosacral junctions
- HALLMARK is sacroiliac joint involvement!
- peripheral skeleton (1020%): sternal joint, symphysis pubis, hip, glenohumeral joint
- tendinous insertions in pelvis + proximal femur
Temporal course: initial abnormalities of sacroiliac joints + thoracolumbar + lumbosacral junctions with gradual involvement of remaining spine
- Skull
- temporomandibular joint space narrowing, erosions, osteophytosis
- Hand (30%)
- exuberant osseous proliferation
- osteoporosis, joint space narrowing, osseous erosions (deformities less striking than in rheumatoid arthritis)
- Sacroiliac joint / symphysis pubis
- initially sclerosis of joint margins primarily on iliac side (bilateral + symmetric late in disease, may be unilateral + asymmetric early in disease)
- later irregularities + widening of joint (= cartilage destruction)
- bony fusion
- Pelvis
- periostitic whiskering: ischial tuberosity, iliac crest, ischiopubic rami, greater femoral trochanter, external occipital protuberance, calcaneus
- Spine
- squaring = straightened / convex anterior vertebral margins = erosive osteitis of anterior corners
- shiny corners = reactive sclerosis of corners of vertebral body
- diskitis = erosive abnormalities of diskovertebral junction
- diskal ballooning = biconvex shape of intervertebral disk related to osteoporotic deformity + diskal calcification
- marginal syndesmophyte formation (in 15%) = thin vertical radiodense spicules bridging the vertebral bodies = ossification of outer fibers of annulus fibrosus (NOT anterior longitudinal ligament):
- bamboo spine on AP view = undulating contour due to syndesmophytosis
Cx: prone to insufficiency fracture → pseudarthrosis
- ankylosis of vertebral edges / center (with bony extension through disk)
- asymmetric erosions of laminar + spinous processes of lumbar spine
- ossification of supraspinous + interspinous ligaments:
- dagger sign = single radiodense line on AP view
- trolley-track sign on AP view = central line of ossification with two lateral lines of ossification (= apophyseal joint capsules)
- apophyseal + costovertebral joint ankylosis (on oblique views)
- dorsal arachnoid diverticula in lumbar spine with erosion of posterior elements (Cx: cauda equina syndrome)
- atlantoaxial subluxation
- anterior / posterior / marginal spondylitis
- spondylodiskitis
- transdiskal / transvertebral insufficiency fracture
- arthritis of zygapophyseal (facet), costovertebral, costotransverse joints (best seen on axial images)
- bone marrow edema
- joint effusion, synovitis, erosions
- ankylosis in late stage → impairing chest excursion
- enthesitis of interspinous ligaments ± osteitis of subjacent spinous processes
- syndesmophytes + ankylosis of diskovertebral unit
- Chest
Frequency: 1% of patients with ankylosing spondylitis, usually at an advanced stage of disease
Histo: interstitial + pleural fibrosis with foci of dense collagen deposition, NO granulomas
- bone manifestation obvious + severe
Location: apices / upper lung fields
- sternomanubrial joint irregularities + sclerosis
- uni- / bilateral coarse upper lobe pulmonary fibrosis with upward retraction of hila (DDx: tuberculosis)
- reticulonodular progressively confluent opacities in lung apices
- apical bullae, cysts + cavitation (mimicking TB)
- peripheral interstitial lung disease
- bronchiectasis
- paraseptal emphysema
- tracheobronchomegaly
- apical fibrosis
Cx: superinfection, especially with aspergillus (mycetoma formation) in 1960% / atypical mycobacteria
DDx: other causes of pulmonary apical fibrosis (primary infection by fungi / mycobacteria; cancer) - Cardiovascular (up to 80% paralleling duration of disease)
Location: ascending aorta, aortic valve
- aortic wall thickening (60%)
- aortic valve thickening + nodularity → aortic valve insufficiency
Prognosis: 20% progress to significant disability; occasionally death from cervical spine fracture / aortitis
Rx: regular lifelong exercises + NSAID; tumor-necrosis factor (TNF)α inhibitors
- Reiter syndrome (unilateral asymmetric SI joint involvement, paravertebral ossifications)
- Psoriatic arthritis (unilateral asymmetric SI joint involvement, paravertebral ossification)
- Inflammatory bowel disease
- Sternoclavicular hyperostosis (pustulosis palmaris et plantaris)