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Nervous System Disorders

[Hans Gerhard Creutzfeldt (1885–1964), German neuropathologist and director of the university psychiatric and neurological division in Kiel]

[Alfons Maria Jakob (1884–1931), German neurologist and head of the laboratory of anatomical pathology at the psychiatric State Hospital Hamburg-Friedrichsberg]

= rare subacutely progressive neurological disorder due to transmissible infectious disease developing over weeks

Cause:prion” (self-replicating proteinaceous infectious particles) = protein devoid of functional nucleic acid converted to proteinaceous infectious scrapie particles that accumulate in + around neurons leading to cell death; kuru among aboriginal Fore people of New Guinea (ritualistic oral ingestion of body parts)

[scrapie = affected animals compulsively scrape off their fleece against rocks, trees or fences]

Iatrogenic causes: corneal transplantation, ingestion of prion-contaminated human growth hormone, transplantation of cadaveric dura mater

Age: older adults (57–73 years)

Histo: classified as spongiform encephalopathy “mad cow disease”

Subtypes: sporadic, familial, iatrogenic, variant

Location: cerebral cortex, basal ganglia (caudate nucleus), thalamus



Dx: brain biopsy

Prognosis: usually fatal within 2 year of onset of symptoms (mean, 8.8 months)