Bone and Soft-Tissue Disorders
= rare locally aggressive benign neoplasm of bone with borderline malignancy resembling soft-tissue desmoids / musculoaponeurotic fibromatosis
Prevalence: 107 cases in world literature
Histo: intracellular collagenous material in fibroblasts with small nuclei
Age: mean of 21 years (range, 15 months to 75 years); in 90% <30 years; M÷F = 1÷1
Location: mandible (26%), ilium (14%), >50% in long bones (femur [14%], humerus [11%], radius [9%], tibia [7%], clavicle), scapula, vertebra, calcaneus
Site: central meta- / diaphyseal (if growth plate open); may extend into epiphysis with subarticular location (if growth plate closed)
Cx: pathologic fracture (9%)
Prognosis: 52% rate of local recurrence
Rx: wide excision