= rare benign epithelium-lined lesion
Incidence:<1% of all intracranial cysts
Cause: sequestration of developing neural tube elements during embryogenesis
Histo: rounded smooth unilocular cyst lined by ependymal (columnar epithelium) / choroid plexus cells (low cuboidal epithelium) with CSF-like content
Location: anywhere (typically in frontal lobe); intraparenchymal >extraparenchymal
Size: up to several cm in diameter
DDx: choroid plexus cyst (commonly abnormal DWI); arachnoid cyst (typically extraaxial); enlarged Virchow-Robin space (no differentiating feature on imaging, typically multiple + clustered around basal ganglia); porencephalic cyst (communication with lateral ventricle, surrounding gliosis); epidermoid cyst; infectious cyst of neurocysticercosis (<1 cm, partially enhancing)