Anatomy of the Nervous System
- CALVARIA = upper part of cranium enclosing the brain
- outer table of resilient compact bone
- diploë = trabecular bone containing red bone marrow
- inner table of thin and brittle compact bone
= created when outer layer of dura (periosteum of inner table) becomes detached from calvaria - PACHYMENINGES = DURA MATER
= thick inelastic membrane composed of 2 layers of fibrous + elastic connective tissue that are fused except for a separation allowing the passage of dural venous sinuses
- outer endosteal dural layer
= highly vascularized periosteum of inner table containing blood vessels that supply the bone - space for venous sinuses
- inner meningeal dural layer
= protective meningeal layer lined on its inner brain surface by layer of mesothelium derived from meninx
→extensions are reduplications of the meningeal layer projecting into skull cavity to form falx cerebri, tentorium cerebelli, falx cerebelli, diaphragma sellae
= cleft formed in pathologic states within inner layer of dura - LEPTOMENINGES
- Arachnoid mater [arakhnoeides, Greek = like a cobweb]
= closely applied to inner surface of dura - Subarachnoid space

Histo: fine connective tissue + cellular septa link pia and arachnoid
- contains CSF that drains through the valves of arachnoid granulations into venous sinuses
- forms basal cisterns
- Pia mater [pia, Latin = tender]
= delicate innermost layer of meninges
Histo: thin fibrous tissue impermeable to fluid with perforations for blood vessels to pass through
= perivascular space = VR (Virchow-Robin) space
[Rudolf Virchow (18211902), pathologist in Berlin, Germany]
[Charles P. Robin (18211885), anatomist in Paris, France]
Histo: no communication with subarachnoid space; VR space around intracortical artery continues within subarachnoid space; VR space around cerebral vein is continuous with subpial space
Function: lymphatic drainage system of the brain
Sites: Type I = lenticulostriate arteries
Type II = medullary arteries over high convexities
Type III = collicular arteries in midbrain
- smoothly demarcated typically <5 mm fluid-filled cyst; often in clusters
- SI visually similar to CSF (actually lower when measured as VR spaces are entrapments of interstitial fluid)
- no restricted diffusion + no enhancement
- inflow effects on flow-sensitive T1WI
= thin epithelial-like lining of ventricular system + central canal of spinal cord composed of ciliated simple columnar ependymocytes
Origin: one of four types of neuroglia in CNS
Function: (1) Production + regulation of CSF, (2) Reservoir for neuroregeneration
Falx Cerebri [falx, Latin = curved blade or scythe]
= large crescent-shaped inelastic reflection of meningeal layer of dura mater that descends vertically in longitudinal fissure between cerebral hemispheres
Connected to:
- anteriorly: crista galli anteriorly in proximity to cribriform plate + frontal and ethmoid sinuses
- posteriorly: upper surface of the tentorium cerebelli
- superior margin attached at midline to internal surface of skull as far back as internal occipital protuberance
- contains superior sagittal sinus overlying longitudinal cerebral fissure
- inferiorly adjacent to corpus callosum + cingulate gyrus + pericallosal arteries
- contains inferior sagittal sinus arching over corpus callosum deep in longitudinal cerebral fissure
Falx Cerebelli
= small sickle-shaped fold of dura mater projecting forward into posterior cerebellar notch + into cerebellar vallecula between cerebellar hemispheres
Base: attached to inferoposterior part of tentorium cerebelli
Posterior margin: attached to vertical crest of inner skull surface below internal occipital protuberance