Skull and Spine Disorders
= abnormally short + thickened filum terminale with position of conus medullaris below L2-3
Normal location of tip of conus medullaris: L4/5 at 16 weeks of gestation, L2/3 at birth, L1-2 >3 months of age
- RULE OF THREES: above L3 by age 3 months!
Etiology: incomplete involution of distal spinal cord with failure of ascent of conus
Pathophysiology: stretching of cord → vascular insufficiency at level of conus
Age at presentation: 515 years (in years of growth spurt); M÷F = 2÷3
Associated with: filar lipoma in 2978%, filar cyst, diastematomyelia, imperforate anus
- dorsal nevus, dermal sinus tract, hair patch (50%)
- bowel + bladder dysfunction in childhood
- spastic gait with muscle stiffness; radiculopathy (adults)
- lower extremity weakness + muscle atrophy
- asymmetric hyporeflexia + fasciculations
- orthopedic anomalies: scoliosis, pes cavus, tight Achilles tendon
- hypalgesia, dysesthesia; paraplegia, paraparesis
- hyperactive deep tendon reflexes; extensor plantar responses
- anal / perineal pain (in adults)
- back pain (particularly with exertion)
- Tight filum
- diameter of filum terminale >2 mm (normal range, 0.52.0 mm) at L5/S1 level (55%)
- small fibrolipoma within thickened filum (23%)
- small filar cyst (3%)
- spinal cord ending in a small lipoma (13%)
- Tethered cord (100%)
- conus medullaris below level of L3 at birth + below L2 by age 12 (86%)
- abnormal dorsal fixation of cord adjacent to vertebral arches (in prone position)
- reduced / absent pulsatile movement of the cord + nerve roots (on M-mode scanning)
- widened triangular thecal sac tented posteriorly (thecal sac pulled posteriorly by filum)
- abnormal lateral course of nerve roots (>15° angle relative to spinal cord)
- Vertebrae
- lumbar spina bifida occulta with interpedicular widening
- scoliosis (20%)
- prolonged T1 relaxation in center of spinal cord on T1WI in 25% (? myelomalacia / mild hydromyelia)
Rx: decompressive laminectomy / partial removal of lipoma ± freeing of cord
Dx: tip of conus medullaris below L2-3