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Anatomy of the Nervous System

= midline structure situated between cerebral hemispheres + midbrain with paired symmetric portions

Location: on either side of 3rd ventricle

Function: relay of sensory + motor signals; regulation of consciousness, sleep, alertness

Blood supply: PCA + pCom

Hypothalamus [hypo, Greek = below; thalamus, Greek = bed]

= part of diencephalon below the thalamus

Origin: neuroectoderm


  1. anterior = lamina terminalis extending from anterior commissure to optic chiasm
  2. posterior = line extending from mamillary bodies to posterior commissure
  3. lateral = medial thalamus
  4. inferior = tuber cinereum (posteriorly) + median eminence (middle) + infundibular stalk (anteriorly)

Function: homeostasis for blood pressure, body temperature, fluid + electrolyte balance, body weight

Regulatory mechanism:

  1. endocrine secretion:
    • neuronal stimulation of posterior pituitary gland via infundibulum
    • hypothalamic releasing factors to anterior pituitary gland via portal plexus as a vascular conduit
  2. autonomic function
  3. emotions