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Nervous System Disorders

= consequence of hematogenous dissemination

Risk of progression: 3% if treated with penicillin; accelerated in cell-mediated immunodeficiency (HIV, AIDS)


  1. Meningeal neurosyphilis
    Latency period:<2 years
    • thick nodular meninges + gummas (similar to tuberculosis / sarcoidosis)
  2. Vascular neurosyphilis
    Latency period: 5–7 years
    • alternating arterial stenoses + dilatations large-vessel arteritis
    • parenchymal edema perivascular extension of subarachnoid infection / from rare deposition of cerebral gummas

    Cx: large- / small-vessel infarctions
  3. General paresis
    Latency period: 10–20 years
  4. Tabes dorsalis
    Latency period: 15–20 years