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Bone and Soft-Tissue Disorders

= LÉRI DISEASE [melos, Greek = limb; rhein, Greek = flow]

[André Léri (1875–1930), pupil of Joseph Babinski and Pierre Marie, president of French Ophthalmological Society]

= rare sporadic mixed sclerosing bone dysplasia with disturbances in endochondral + intramembranous ossification characteristically appearing as flowing hyperostosis

Age: usually occult until adulthood; slow chronic progressive course in adults; rapid progression in children

Cause: developmental error of intramembranous bone formation related to mutation in LEMD3 on chromosome 12q, which codes for an inner nuclear membrane protein responsible for inhibition of transforming growth factor b + bone morphogenic protein

Path: overproduction of bone matrix + increased angiogenesis

Associated with: osteopoikilosis, osteopathia striata, tumors / malformations of blood vessels (hemangioma, vascular nevi, glomus tumor, AVM, aneurysm, lymphedema, lymphangiectasia)


Site: entire cortex / limited to one side of cortex

Patterns: (1) osteoma-like, (2) myositis ossificans-like, (3) osteopathia striata-like, (4) classic dripping candle (5) mixed (overlap syndrome)


  1. Osteopoikilosis (generalized)
  2. Fibrous dysplasia (normal bone structure not lost, not as dense)
  3. Engelmann disease
  4. Hyperostosis of neurofibromatosis, tuberous sclerosis, hemangiomas
  5. Osteoarthropathy