Bone and Soft-Tissue Disorders
[Hans Conrad Julius Reiter (18811969), German bacteriologist and hygienist in institute of hygiene in Königsberg and Berlin-Dahlem convicted of war crimes at the Nürnberg trials for his medical experiments in the concentration camp at Buchenwald]
= noninfectious, asymmetric inflammatory oligoarthropathy characterized by the triad of
- Postinfectious peripheral arthritis
- Uveitis / conjunctivitis
- Urethritis / cervicitis
with characteristic skin lesions
M÷F = 98÷2
- endemic (venereal): Chlamydia + Ureaplasma (males)
- epidemic (postdysenteric): Shigella, Salmonella, Yersinia, Campylobacter (males + females)
Trigger: within a few weeks after infection of GU / GI tract; skeletal manifestations typically appear after urethral and ocular inflammation have subsided
- history of sexual exposure / diarrhea 311 days before onset of urethritis
- mucocutaneous lesions of coalescing pustules, vesicles, erosions (in up to 50%):
- balanitis circinata sicca (male)
- ulcerative vulvitis (females)
- keratosis blennorrhagicum = well-demarcated scaly hyperkeratotic + pustular papules coalescing to plaques
Location: palm, sole
- seronegative spondyloarthritis
- positive HLA-B27 in 76% → greater propensity for chronicity
Location: asymmetric mono- / pauciarticular with predilection for lower extremity (small joints of foot, calcaneus, ankle)
Spectrum: enthesitis, joint effusion, synovitis, bursitis, erosive + proliferative bone changes, diffuse soft-tissue edema with tenosynovitis of finger + toe
- polyarthritis
- articular soft-tissue swelling + joint space narrowing in 50% (particularly knee, ankle, foot)
- widening + inflammation of Achilles + plantar fascial tendons → heel swelling + retrocalcaneal bursitis (frequent)
- fluffy periosteal reaction (DISTINCTIVE) at metatarsal necks, proximal phalanges, calcaneal spur, tibia + fibula at ankle and knee
- juxtaarticular osteoporosis (rare in acute stage)
Chronic changes:
- recurrent joint attacks in a few cases
- calcaneal spur at insertion of plantar fascia + Achilles tendon
- periarticular deossification
- marginal erosions, loss of joint space
- bilateral sacroiliac changes indistinguishable from ankylosing / psoriatic spondylitis (in 1040%)
- paravertebral ossification = isolated floating osteophyte usually in thoracolumbar area
Cx: gastric ulcer + hemorrhage; aortic incompetence; heart block; amyloidosis
DDx: Psoriasis (radiographically indistinguishable; no predilection for lower extremities, asymmetric involvement, clinical findings)