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Bone and Soft-Tissue Disorders

Hip Dislocation!!navigator!!

Frequency: 5% of all dislocations

    • Mechanism: classical dashboard injury (= flexed knee strikes dashboard)
    • Associated with: fractures of posterior rim of acetabulum, femoral head
    • adducted lower extremity flexed at hip
    • Mechanism: forced abduction + external rotation
    • Associated with: fractures of acetabular rim, greater trochanter, femoral neck, femoral head (characteristic depression on posterosuperior and lateral portion)
    • Subtypes:
      1. anterior obturator dislocation
      2. superoanterior / pubic hip dislocation
    • lower extremity in external rotation
    • prominent lesser trochanter
    • obturator position of femoral head
    • Mechanism: force applied to lateral side of trochanter

Patellar Dislocation!!navigator!!


Frequency: 2–3% of all knee injuries

Mechanism: during attempt to slow forward motion while pivoting medially on a planted foot; internal rotation of femur on fixed tibia while knee is flexed + quadriceps contraction produces a net lateral force; direct blow (rare)

At risk: patellar dysplasia (with flattened articular surface); shallow trochlear groove of femur; passive lateral hypermobility of patella; dysplastic distal of vastus medialis obliquus muscle; nail-patella syndrome

Associated with: medial meniscal tear / major ligamentous injury in 31%

Age: 13–20 years (young physically active person); M <F

  • 50–75% not clinically diagnosed initially self-reduction!
  • lateral patellar tilt
  • hemarthrosis (most common cause of hemarthrosis in young conscripts)
  • concave impaction deformity of inferomedial patella (highly specific for prior patellar dislocation)
  • medial parapatellar ossification chronic instability with repetitive stress to medial patellofemoral ligament


  • “kissing” bone contusion / microfracture
  • osteochondral injury of anterolateral femoral condyle + medial patellar facet (90% sensitive):
    • intraarticular bodies (= avulsed osteochondral fragments of patella or lateral femoral condyle)
  • increased SI with sprain / disruption / avulsion of medial patellar retinaculum + medial patellofemoral ligament + medial patellotibial lig.
  • edema / hemorrhage within ± elevated vastus medialis obliquus muscle
  • knee joint effusion = fluid depth >4 mm in suprapatellar recess (midline SAG image) or >10 mm in lateral recess (on lateral SAG image):
    • hemarthros with fluid-fluid level (= sedimentation of blood components with low / intermediate T2 signal)


  1. Temporary immobilization + rehabilitation: successful in 75%
  2. Surgery: fixation of osteochondral fragments if >1 cm2, medial capsule repair, lateral retinacular release, vastus medialis et lateralis rearrangement, medial retinaculum reefing

Shoulder Dislocation!!navigator!!

Sternoclavicular Dislocation (3%)

Posterior Sternoclavicular Dislocation

= posterior displacement of head of clavicle

Cause: blow to shoulder / medial clavicle

CECT confirms posterior sternoclavicular dislocation and may also disclose associated vascular injury.

Cx: injury to mediastinal blood vessels, trachea, esophagus

Anterior Sternoclavicular Dislocation

= anterior displacement of head of clavicle (more common but less serious type)

Cause: anterior blow to shoulder

  • protruding clavicular head can be palpated

Cx: chronic pain, ankylosis, deformity

Rx: conservative therapy

Acromioclavicular Dislocation (12%)

Grade 1 (strain)

= stretching / partial tearing of acromioclavicular ligament fibers

  • soft-tissue swelling
  • stable AC joint without joint widening

Grade 2 (subluxation)

= disruption of acromioclavicular ligament + strain of coracoclavicular ligament

  • elevation of clavicle of <100% of shaft width (weight-bearing!)
  • widening of AC joint

Grade 3 (superior dislocation)

= disruption of acromioclavicular + coracoclavicular ligg.

  • widening of AC joint
  • elevation of clavicle >100% of shaft width

Grade 4 (posterior dislocation)

  • posterior position of clavicle with respect to acromion

Grade 5 (fascial injury)

  • penetration of clavicle through deltotrapezial fascia

Grade 6 (inferior dislocation)

  • inferior position of clavicle with respect to acromion

Glenohumeral Dislocation (85%)

  • Glenohumeral joint dislocations make up >50% of all dislocations!

Anterior / Subcoracoid Shoulder Dislocation

(85–95–98% of all shoulder dislocations)

Prevalence: up to 2% in general population

Types: subcoracoid, subglenoid, subclavicular, intrathoracic

Mechanism: external rotation + abduction (fall on outstretched arm); direct posterior blow in contact sport / forced ABER position)

Age: in younger individuals in their teens

  1. Bankart lesion = anterior capsulolabral avulsion
    [Arthur Sydney Blundell Bankart (1879–1951), British orthopedic surgeon]
    = detachment of glenoid labrum and joint capsule from anterior glenoid rim during anterior shoulder dislocation
    • detachment of anterior inferior glenohumeral labroligamentous complex (IGHLC = anterior-inferior glenoid labrum including labral insertion of inferior glenoid ligament) from glenoid at 3 to 6 o'clock position (= cartilaginous Bankart)
    • lifted disrupted scapular periosteum
    • labrum floats in anterior joint space
    1. Soft Bankart
      • no bony avulsion
    2. Osseous Bankart
      • fracture of anterior rim of glenoid

      Shoulder instability increases with increasing size of the Bankart fragment. The redislocation rate is higher when the fragment involves >20–25% of the glenoid surface area. A concomitant Hill-Sachs lesion reduces stability even further.

    May be associated with:
    • fracture of greater tuberosity (15–35%)
    • fracture of coracoid process (3–13%)
    • Hill-Sachs defect / deformity (25–50–81%)
      • = depression / impacted fracture of posterolateral surface of humeral head at / above level of coracoid process impaction against anterior edge of glenoid rim in subglenoid type
      • [Harold Arthur Hill (1901–1973) and Maurice David Sachs (1909–1987), radiologists in San Francisco]
  2. Perthes lesion (variant of Bankart)
    • easily overlooked on MR / arthroscopy best detected in ABER position with traction on IGHL
    • labrum separated from articular cartilage
    • scapular periosteum stripped medially but with intact periosteal sleeve
    • nondisplaced avulsed labrum (DDx to ALPSA)
  3. Glenoid Labrum Articular Disruption (GLAD)
    = combination of labral tear + cartilage defect
    • complete avulsion of anteroinferior glenoid labrum
    • small fragment of articular cartilage also detached
    • chondral flaps best visualized on MR arthrogram
  4. Humeral Avulsion of the Glenohumeral Ligament (HAGL) = failure at humeral attachment site
    Prevalence: 52% in acute trauma; 2–9% of anterior glenohumeral instabilities
    Age: 28 (range, 12–54) years; M÷F = 92÷8
    • “J / reversed J” sign (for RT / LT shoulder)

    = detached end of anterior / posterior band of IGHL that falls inferiorly away from neck of humerus
    • extravasation of joint effusion / contrast material at the humeral insertion of disrupted capsule

    Bony HAGL
    • avulsion of humeral cortex along with IGHL
  5. Anterior Labroligamentous Periosteal Sleeve Avulsion (ALPSA) = medialized Bankart
    • best detected in ABER position
    • complete avulsion of anteroinferior glenoid labrum
    • avulsed scapular periosteum intact
    • labroligamentous complex rolls up + becomes displaced medially + inferiorly
    • recurrent anterior humeral dislocations incompetent anterior band of IGHL
    • can heal into a deformed labrum difficult to diagnose
  6. Reverse Bankart
    Prevalence: 2–4% of all shoulder instability
    Mechanism: excessive force applied to adducted and internally rotated shoulder swimming, throwing, punching, convulsion
    • posterior labral tear

MRI (arthrography improves sensitivity to 89–99% and specificity to >90%):

  • hemorrhagic effusion (in acute injury)
  • increased SI in anterior-inferior labrum + capsule (DDx: magic angle artifact)
  • discrete tear / fragmentation of labrum
  • ± tear of middle glenohumeral ligament
  • tear of degenerated supraspinatus tendon (in 33% of patients >40 years of age)
  • tear of degenerated subscapularis tendon (in 33% of patients >40 years of age)
  • myotendinous subscapularis strain / contusion
  • paralabral cysts are usually associated with labral tears; may cause denervation of suprascapular nerve simulating impingement syndrome (DDx: age-related degeneration)

Prognosis: significance of glenoid rim fracture is greater than of Hill-Sachs fracture


  1. Recurrent dislocations: inversely related to age (83% <20 years; 16% >40 years of age); M÷F = 3÷1
  2. Repeated dislocations incomplete / inadequate healing = chronic recurrent anterior shoulder instability
  3. Arthritis (with repeated subluxations)


  1. Conservative treatment for most
  2. Surgical fixation for young athletes

Posterior Shoulder Dislocation (2–5%)


  1. traumatic: convulsive disorders /electric shock therapy
  2. nontraumatic: voluntary, involuntary, congenital, developmental

Types: subacromial, subglenoid, subspinous

  • In >50% unrecognized initially + subsequently misdiagnosed as frozen shoulder!
  • Average interval between injury and diagnosis is 1 year!
  • “rim” sign (66%) = distance between medial border of humeral head + anterior glenoid rim <6 mm

May be associated with:

  • “trough” sign (75%) = “reverse Hill-Sachs”
    = compression fracture of anteromedial humeral head (tangential Grashey view of glenoid!)
  • fracture of posterior glenoid rim
  • avulsion fracture of lesser tuberosity


  • tear of subscapularis tendon
  • empty bicipital groove (= dislocated bicipital tendon)

Inferior Shoulder Dislocation (0.5%)


= extremity held over head in fixed position with elbow flexed

Mechanism: severe hyperabduction of arm resulting in impingement of humeral head against acromion

  • humeral articular surface faces inferiorly

Cx: rotator cuff tear; fracture of acromion ± inferior glenoid fossa ± greater tuberosity; neurovascular injury

Superior Shoulder Dislocation (<1%)

= humeral head driven upward through rotator cuff

May be associated with: fracture of humerus, clavicle, acromion

DDx: drooping shoulder (transient phenomenon after fracture of surgical neck of humerus hemarthrosis / muscle imbalance)

Gadolinium Shoulder Arthrography

  • fluoroscopically guided needle insertion from an anterior approach
  • confirmation of needle placement with iodinated contrast material
  • injection of 12–20 mL of diluted gadolinium chelate solution:
    • 0.1 mL of gadolinium DTPA (469 mg/mL) into
    • 20 mL of bacteriostatic saline
  • patient's arm and shoulder are moved through full range of motion

Biceps Tendon Dislocation!!navigator!!

= total + permanent loss of contact between tendon and bicipital groove


  1. dislocation inside subscapularis tendon leaving anterior fascia intact
  2. intraarticular dislocation with complete tear of all insertions on lesser tuberosity but intact anterior fascia (lesion hidden in joint space)
  3. intraarticular dislocation with complete tear of all insertions on lesser tuberosity + anterior fascia
  4. dislocation over intact subscapularis tendon (= rupture of the supraspinatus tendon and CHL)

Associated with: tears of ligamentous pulley

Location: intraarticular extrasynovial (within reflection of synovial membrane)


  • dislocated biceps tendon medial to empty bicipital groove (axial image)
  • variably increased signal intensity
  • thickening, flattening, broadening of the tendon
  • fluid around displaced biceps tendon

Biceps Tendon Subluxation

= partial / transitional loss of contact between biceps tendon + bicipital groove


  1. intraarticular
  2. between subscapularis tendon and CHL
  3. external to CHL
  4. intrasheath

Wrist / Carpal Dislocation!!navigator!!

Mechanism: fall on outstretched hand

Frequency: 10% of all carpal injuries

Up to 25% overlooked at initial examination!

Lunate Dislocation

= final stage of perilunate injury with highest degree of instablity

  • “spilled teacup” sign = lunate dislocated in volar direction (on LAT view)
  • rest of carpus assumes alignment with radius

Perilunate Dislocation

= dislocation of capitate head from concavity of distal lunate

Prevalence: 2–3 times more common than lunate dislocation

Mechanism: high-energy wrist hyperextension (MVC, fall from height, sports) with sequential injury of scapholunate lunocapitate lunotriquetral joints complete dislocation

Average age: 30 years; M >>F

Associated with: fracture in 75%

  • disruption of carpal arcs (AP view)
  • Terry-Thomas sign = widening of space between scaphoid and lunate (AP view)
  • triangular lunate (AP view)
  • posterior dislocation of capitate head relative to lunate (LAT view)

Greater Arc Injury

= perilunate dislocation + fracture of scaphoid / trapezium / capitate / hamate / triquetrum

  • Twice as common as lesser arc injury
  • Most commonly transscaphoid perilunate dislocation
  • fracture of any carpal bone around lunate

Lesser Arc Injury

= pure ligamentous disruption around lunate

  • most commonly dorsal dislocation

Rx: open reduction + internal fixation

Rotary Subluxation of Scaphoid

= Scapholunate dissociation

= tearing of interosseous ligaments of lunate, scaphoid, capitate

Mechanism: acute dorsiflexion of wrist; may be associated with rheumatoid arthritis

  • gap >4 mm between scaphoid + lunate (PA view)
  • foreshortening of scaphoid
  • “ring” sign of distal pole of scaphoid
