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Nervous System Disorders


= intraparenchymal tangle / cluster of dilated medullary veins converging on a single enlarged draining vein; bleed rarely

Cause: (?) accidents during embryogenesis occlusion / maldevelopment of superficial / deep veins creation of compensatory pathway by recruiting and dilating preexisting transmedullary veins

Age: any; M = F

Histo: venous channels without internal elastic lamina, separated by gliotic neural tissue that may calcify; probably representing persistent fetal venous system; normal intervening brain parenchyma

Associated with: blue rubber bleb nevus syndrome with multiple angiomas; increased coexistence of cavernous angiomas which can bleed!

A DVA rarely bleeds and is unlikely the cause of an intraparenchymal hemorrhage search for a cavernoma, which is best be seen with gradient-echo / blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) sequences (= heavily T2* weighted).

Location: deep cerebral / cerebellar white matter; most commonly adjacent to frontal horn

Cx (uncommon): hemorrhage, ischemia

DDx: vascular neoplasm, cavernous vascular malformation, venous varix, Sturge-Weber disease (diffuse pial angiomatosis with venous-type capillaries)