Bone and Soft-Tissue Disorders
= syndrome of autosomal dominant inheritance characterized by
- multiple cutaneous basal cell carcinomas during childhood
- odontogenic keratocysts of mandible
- ectopic calcifications
- skeletal anomalies (midface hypoplasia, frontal bossing, prognathism)
Mean age: 19 years
- up to hundreds of skin-colored pink / tan dome-shaped papules resembling benign nevi; aggressive after puberty; may metastasize
Distribution: nose, mouth, chest, back; affected by solar + ionizing radiation - shallow pitlike defects in palms + soles = deficient stratum corneum (85%)
- mental retardation
Genetics: mutation of patched 1 (PTCH) gene that codes for regulatory receptor in the important Sonic hedgehog signaling pathway + acts as a tumor suppressor gene in BCC + medulloblastoma
Association: high incidence of medulloblastoma in children (45%); ovarian fibroma (in 17%); cardiac fibroma (in 14%)
- multiple aggressive uni- / multiloculated mandibular >maxillary cystic lesions = odontogenic keratocyst / keratocystic odontogenic tumor (in 75%)
- anomalies of upper 5 ribs:
- forked = bifid rib (most commonly 4th rib) in 26%
- agenesis / supernumerary ribs
- fusion of adjacent ribs
- hypo- / dysplastic distorted splayed ribs
- bifid spinous processes, spina bifida
- scoliosis (cervical + upper thoracic)
- hemivertebrae + block vertebrae
- Sprengel deformity (scapula elevated, hypoplastic, bowed)
- deficiency of lateral clavicle
- brachydactyly
- extensive early calcification of falx + tentorium (65%)
- ectopic calcifications of subcutaneous tissue, ovaries, sacrotuberous ligaments, mesentery
- bony bridging of sella turcica
- macrocephaly