Bone and Soft-Tissue Disorders
= rare debilitating multisystem inflammatory + autoimmune disorder characterized by recurrent episodes of inflammation + destruction of cartilage in joints, ears, nose, larynx, airways
Etiology: acquired metabolic disorder (? abnormal acid mucopolysaccharide metabolism) / hypersensitivity / autoimmune process (antibodies directed against type II collagen)
Histo: loss of cytoplasm in chondrocytes; plasma cell and lymphocyte infiltration
Age: 4060 years (no age predilection)
- nasal chondritis = saddle-nose deformity
- bilateral auricular chondritis = swollen + tender ears, cauliflower ears; ocular inflammation
- hearing loss ← obstruction of external auditory meatus / audiovestibular damage)
- cough, hoarseness, dyspnea ← collapse of trachea
- nonerosive seronegative inflammatory polyarthritis = arthralgia
- Head
- calcification of pinna of ear
- Chest
- manubriosternal / costochondral arthropathy (30%)
- Respiratory tract (in up to 70%)
- ectasia + collapsibility (← cartilaginous destruction) of trachea and mainstem bronchi with focal thickening (← mucosal edema) + luminal narrowing (← fibrosis)
- bronchiectasis
- generalized + localized emphysema
- Cardiovascular (in 1546%)
Site: elastic elements of cardiac valves + aorta
Histo: cystic degeneration of collagen, destruction of elastic fibers, lymphocytic infiltration, decreased content of acid mucopolysaccharides - aortic aneurysm (410%), mostly in ascending aorta, may be multiple / dissecting
- aortic / mitral valve insufficiency (8%)
- aortitis + systemic vasculitis (13%)
- obliterating vasculitis in medium-sized + large arteries
- Bone
- periarticular osteoporosis
- erosive changes in carpal bones resembling rheumatoid arthritis
- soft-tissue swelling around joints + styloid process of ulna
- erosive irregularities in sacroiliac joints
- disk space erosion + increased density of articular plates
Rx: corticosteroids, immunosuppression
Prognosis: 74% 5-year survival rate; 55% 10-year survival rate; median survival time of 11 years; airway complications account for >50% of deaths