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Anatomy of the Nervous System

= 1.5–3.0 mm thin vertical membrane of triangular shape (when viewed from side)

Base of triangle: located anteriorly

Apex of triangle: located posteriorly

Five layers (leaves / laminae) of septum:


below: column + body of fornix

above: corpus callosum

ventral: continuous with precommissural septum + subcallosal gyrus

lateral: wall of lateral ventricles

Function: ?, part of limbic system moderating rage + arousal

Cavum Septi Pellucidi!!navigator!!

= persistence / failure of fusion of potential space (= slitlike cavity = 5th ventricle) between the 2 laminae forming septum pellucidum

Frequency: in 80% of term infants; in 15% of adults

Location: posterior to genu of corpus callosum, inferior to body of corpus callosum, anterosuperior to anterior pillar of fornix

Marker for: cerebral dysfunction

  • extends to foramen of Monro
  • may dilate + cause obstructive hydrocephalus (rare)

Regression: from back to front as fetus approaches term / in first few weeks after birth

Cavum Vergae!!navigator!!

= “6th ventricle”

[Andrea Verga (1811–1895), clinical professor of psychiatry at Ospedale Maggiore in Milan, Italy]

= fluid-filled cavity located posterior to a vertical plane formed by columns of fornix

Frequency: in 30% of term infants; in 15% of adults

Location: posterior to fornix; anterior to splenium of corpus callosum inferior to body of corpus callosum superior to transverse fornix

  • posterior midline continuation of cavum septi pellucidi beyond foramen of Monro (= communicates with cavum septi pellucidi)

Regression: cavum vergae (1st) >cavum septi pellucidi (2nd); contracts after about 6th gestational month
