Bone and Soft-Tissue Disorders
Chromosomes: 95% nondisjunction, 5% translocation
Prevalence: 1÷870 live births, most common karyotype / chromosomal abnormality in USA
- mental retardation; hypotonia in infancy
- characteristic facies; Simian crease
- Skull
- hypotelorism
- persistent metopic suture (4079%) after age 10
- hypoplasia of sinuses + facial bones
- microcrania (brachycephaly)
- delayed closure of sutures + fontanels
- dental abnormalities (underdeveloped tooth No. 2)
- flat-bridged nose
- Axial skeleton
- atlantoaxial subluxation (25%)
- anterior scalloping of vertebral bodies
- squared vertebral bodies = centra high and narrow
= positive lateral lumbar index (ratio of horizontal to vertical diameters of L2)
- Chest
- congenital heart disease (40%): endocardial cushion defect, VSD, tetralogy of Fallot
- hypersegmentation of manubrium = 23 ossification centers (90%)
- gracile ribs; 11 pairs of ribs (25%)
- Pelvis (frontal view)
- flaring of iliac wings (= rotation of iliac wings toward coronal plane at sacroiliac joints) = Mickey Mouse ears / elephant ears:
- decreased iliac angle + index (in 7080%)
- flattening of acetabular roof (small acetabular angle)
- elongated + tapered ischia
- Extremities
- metaphyseal flaring
- clinodactyly (50%); widened space between first two digits of hands + feet
- hypoplastic and triangular middle + distal phalanges of 5th finger = acromicria (DDx: normal individuals, cretins, achondroplastic dwarfs)
- pseudoepiphyses of 1st + 2nd metacarpals
- Gastrointestinal
- umbilical hernia
- double bubble sign (810%) = duodenal atresia / stenosis / annular pancreas
- tracheoesophageal fistula
- anorectal anomalies
- Hirschsprüng disease
- advanced maternal age
- In 1÷385 live births for women >35 years of age
- HOWEVER: 80% of fetuses with Down syndrome are born to mothers <35 years of age
- quad test (2nd trimester maternal serum screening):
- low (0.7 MoM) maternal alpha-fetoprotein (2030%)
- increased (2.04 MoM) hCG (DDx: decreased in trisomy 18)
- decreased (0.79 MoM) unconjugated estriol (uE3)
- decreased dimeric inhibin A levels
- Optimal time for test between 15 and 16 weeks GA
- Detects 75% of cases with Down syndrome with a 5% screen-positive rate
Disadvantage: late performance in 2nd trimester, 25% of Down syndrome cases not detected, many amniocenteses unnecessarily recommended - low pregnancy-associated plasma protein A (PAPP-A) at 1014 weeks EGA
- first-trimester ultrasound markers:
- nuchal translucency
= measurement of space between spine and overlying skin on midsagittal view
Best time: 10w3d 13w6d EGA
- ≥5 mm during 1418 weeks
- ≥6 mm during 1924 weeks
Cause: heart failure, abnormal extracellular matrix, abnormal lymphatic development
- absent nasal bone
Best time: between 10 and 14 weeks EGA - absent / reversed Doppler flow in ductus venosus during atrial contraction
- major structural malformations:
Best time: 18 weeks EGA
- VSD / complete AV canal (50%)
- cystic hygroma, resolved by 20th week MA (DDx: Turner syndrome, trisomy 18, trisomy 13, triploidy)
- omphalocele
- double bubble of duodenal atresia (810%), not apparent before 22 weeks GA
- hydrothorax
- mild cerebral ventricular dilatation
- agenesis of corpus callosum
- imperforate anus
- minor markers:
- elevated BPD / femur ratio ← short femur
- ratio of measured-to-expected femur length ≤0.91 [expected femur length: 9.3105 + 0.9028 x BPD] (sensitivity 40%, specificity 95%, false-positive rate of 27%, 0.3% PPV for low-risk population [1÷700], 1% PPV for high-risk population [1÷250])
- ratio of measured-to-expected humerus length ≤0.90 [expected humerus length: 7.9404 + 0.8492 x BPD] (12% PPV for low-risk population; 3% PPV for high-risk population)
- flared iliac crest = iliac wings rotated toward coronal plane:
- mean iliac angle at superiormost level of 95.6 ± 11.7° (compared to 76.4 ± 16.8° for euploid fetuses)
- sandal-gap deformity = separation of great toe (45%)
- hypoplasia of middle phalanx of 5th digit resulting in clinodactyly (= inward curve) in 60%
- mild fetal pyelectasis (1725%)
- echogenic bowel at <20 weeks GA (15%, in 0.6% of normals)
- echogenic intracardiac focus, usually in left ventricle = thickening of papillary muscle (18%, in 5% of normals)
- frontal lobe shortening (measured from the inner table of the frontal bone to the posterior margin of the thalamus)
- brachycephaly
- small cerebellum
- IUGR (in 30%)
- polyhydramnios
Cx: leukemia (increased frequency by 320 x)