Glasgow Coma Scale - Calculator
Eye opening Spontaneous To voice To pain None
Verbal response Oriented Confused Inappropriate words Incomprehensible None
Motor response Obeys commands Localizes pain Withdraws (pain) Flexion (pain) Extension (pain) None
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? ? ?
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Glasgow Coma Scale - Calculator

This formula calculates the Glasgow coma score that indicates the level of CNS damage/injury.

The score ranges from 3 to 15 unless the patient is intubated, in which case it is reported as 2-T to 10-T. Scores are calculated by adding individual scores in

"Eye opening",

"Verbal Response",

and "Motor Response" as below:

Eye opening

  • Spontaneous
  • To Voice
  • To pain
  • None

Verbal response

  • Orientated
  • Confused
  • Inappropriate words
  • Incomprehensible
  • None

Motor response

  • Obeys commands
  • Localizes pain
  • Withdraws (pain)
  • Flexion (pain)
  • Extension (pain)
  • None