Bone and Soft-Tissue Disorders
[Edward Treacher Collins (18621932), English surgeon and ophthalmologist at Moorfields Eye Hospital, London]
= autosomal dominant disease (with new mutations in 60%) characterized by bilateral malformations of eyes, malar bones, mandible, and ears resulting in birdlike face
Prevalence: 1÷50,000 births
Cause: defect in growth of 1st + 3rd branchial arches before the 7th8th week of gestation
- NO limb anomalies (important DDx!)
- extension of scalp hair growth onto cheek; microstomia
- craniosynostosis
- narrowing of retropharyngeal space (apnea, speech difficulties)
- Eyes
- antimongoloid eye slant (drooping lateral lower eyelids ← hypoplasia of lateral canthal tendon of orbicular muscle
- sparse / absent eye lashes / coloboma in lower lids
- egg-shaped orbits = drooping of outer inferior orbital rim
- hypoplasia of lateral wall of orbits + shallow / incomplete orbital floor
- Nose
- broad / protruded nose
- choanal shortening
- Malar bone
- sunken cheek ← marked hypoplasia / agenesis of zygomatic arches (= malar hypoplasia)
- Maxilla
- hypoplasia of maxilla + maxillary sinus
- narrow / overprojected maxilla
- high-arched / narrow palate
- Mandible
- retruded chin, retrognathism; dental malocclusion
- pronounced micrognathia = mandibular hypoplasia with broad concave curve on lower border of body
- Ear
- dysplastic low-set auricles; preauricular skin tags / fistulas
- conductive hearing loss (common)
- microtia with small middle ear cavity
- deformed / fused / absent auditory ossicles
- atresia / stenosis of external auditory canal
- polyhydramnios ← swallowing difficulty
Prognosis: early respiratory problems (tongue relatively too large for hypoplastic mandible)
Rx: surgical correction
- Goldenhar-Gorlin syndrome (unilateral microtia + midface anomalies, hemivertebrae, block vertebrae, vertebral hypoplasia, microphthalmia, coloboma of upper lid)
- Acrofacial dysplasia (limb malformations)
- Crouzon disease (maxillary hypoplasia with protrusion of mandible, hypertelorism, exophthalmos, craniosynostosis)