- Adults and Children >20 kg
- Parkland formula*: 4.0 mL crystalloid/kg/% burn/first 24 hr
- Modified Brooke formula*: 2.0 mL LRS/kg per % burn per first 24 hr
- Children <20 kg
- Crystalloid 23 mL/kg per % burn per 24 hr*
- Crystalloid with 5% dextrose at maintenance rate
- 100 mL/kg for the first 10 kg and 50 mL/kg for the next 10 kg for 24 hr
- Clinical End Points of Burn Resuscitation
- Urine output: 0.51 mL
- Pulse: 80140 beats/min (age dependent)
- Systolic BP: 60 mm Hg (infants); children 7090 plus 2 × age in years mm Hg; adults MAP >60 mm Hg
- Base deficit: <2
*50% of calculated volume is given during the first 8 hr, 25% is given during the second 8 hr, and the remaining 25% is given during the third 8 hr.
BP = blood pressure; LRS = lactated Ringer's solution; MAP = mean arterial pressure.