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Table 52-5

ClinicalRadiographicSpiral Computed TomographyUltrasonography
Increased arterial pressure and pulse amplitude in upper extremities
Decreased arterial pressure and pulse amplitude in lower extremities
Absent or weak left radial artery pulse
Osler's sign: discrepancy between left and right arm blood pressure
Retrosternal or interscapular pain
Systolic flow murmur over the precordium or medial to the left scapula
Neurologic deficits in the lower extremities
Widened mediastinum
Blurring of the aortic contours
Widened paraspinal interfaces
Left apical cap
Opacified aortopulmonary window
Broadened paratracheal stripe
Displacement of the left mainstem bronchus
Displaced SVC
Rightward deviation of the esophagus and trachea
Nasogastric tube shift
Left hemothorax
Sternal and/or upper rib fractures
Lung contusion
Mediastinal hematoma
Aortic wall irregularity
Intimal flap
False aneurysm
Intramural hematoma
Intraluminal clot or medial flap
Intimal flap
Turbulent flow
Dilated aortic isthmus
Acute false aneurysm
Intraluminal medial flap

SVC = superior vena cava.