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Table 42-13

CauseInvestigation or Intervention
Anesthetic Related
Residual drug effects (inhalational anesthetics, opioids, propofol)
Nonanesthetic medications (recreational drugs [cocaine], herbal medicines [Valerian, St. Johns wort])
Depressed neuromuscular junction, residual neuromuscular blockade, pseudocholinesterase deficiency
Severe hypercapnia
End-tidal concentration
Evaluate total drug dose
Drug toxicology screen
Assess train of four
Measure child's temperature
Introduce heating modalities as indicated (forced-air warmer, heat operating room)
Arterial blood gases and PetCO2
Hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia, metabolic acidosis
Electrolyte and metabolic disorder
Acid–base disturbance
Encephalopathy (hepatic, renal, endocrinopathy [hypothyroidism, Addison disease])
Cerebrovascular accident/hypoxia
Measure blood glucose
Measure urinary glucose and ketones
Arterial blood gas and electrolytes for pH and ion gap
Serum electrolytes (hyponatremia, hypomagnesemia)
Blood gas analysis (anion gap or non–anion gap acidosis)
Blood gas analysis
Blood cultures
Check bilateral pupil size
Check responsiveness to light and pain bilaterally
Assess the presence of a gag reflex and symmetrical limb reflexes
Assess the fontanel pressure in infants