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  1. Lasers are used to treat a wide spectrum of eye conditions, including three of the most common cause of visual loss (diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, and macular degeneration).
  2. An excimer laser is a form of high power ultraviolet chemical laser used in refractive surgery (LASIK).


Anesthesia for Ophthalmologic Surgery

  1. Ocular Anatomy
  2. Ocular Physiology
  3. Effects of Anesthesia and Adjuvant Drugs on Intraocular Pressure
  4. Oculocardiac Reflex
  5. Anesthetic Ramifications of Ophthalmic Drugs
  6. Preoperative Evaluation
  7. Anesthesia Techniques
  8. Anesthetic Management of Specific Situations
  9. Principles of Laser Therapy
  10. Postoperative Ocular Complications