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Table 34-3

Surgical ProcedureBlock HeightSuggested TechniqueComments
PerianalL1–L2Hyperbaric solution or sitting positionPatients must remain in relative head-up or head-down position when using hypobaric and hyperbaric solutions to maintain restricted spread during the procedure
PerirectalHypobaric solution or jackknife position
Isobaric solution or horizontal position
Lower extremityT10Isobaric solutionHypobaric and hyperbaric solutions are also suitable but may produce higher blocks than necessary
Transurethral resection of the prostate
Vaginal or cervical
HerniorrhaphyT6–T8Hyperbaric solution or horizontal positionIsobaric solutions injected at the L2–L3 interspace may also be suitable
Pelvic Procedures
AppendectomyHyperbaric solution or horizontal positionUpper abdominal procedures usually require concomitant general anesthesia to prevent vagal reflexes and pain from traction on the diaphragm and esophagus