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(kris'tă , kris'tē, kris'tī)

Plural: cristae

[L. crista, comb (of a cock), tuft, crest]

  1. A crest or ridge.
  2. A fold of the inner membrane of a mitochondrion into its fluid-filled cavity.

c. ampullaris A localized thickening of the membrane lining the ampullae of the semicircular canals. It is covered with neuroepithelium containing hair cells that are stimulated by movement of the head.

c. cutis Dermal ridge

c. galli A ridge on the ethmoid bone to which the falx cerebri is attached.

c. lacrimalis posterior A vertical ridge on the lateral surface of the lacrimal bone.

c. spiralis A ridge on the spiral lamina of the cochlea.