[L. recessus, withdrawal]
A small indentation, depression, or cavity.
cochlear r.A recess lying between the two limbs of the vestibular crest in the vestibule of the ear, that lodges the beginning of the cochlear duct.
elliptical r.A recess lying superiorly and posteriorly on the medial wall of the vestibule that lodges the utricle of the ear.
hepatorenal r.A deep pocket inside the upper right peritoneal cavity between the liver and the peritoneal surface of the right kidney. When a person is lying on his or her back, fluid from the omental bursa will pool into the hepatorenal recess. SYN: hepatorenal pouch.
infundibular r.A small projection of the third ventricle that extends into the infundibular stalk of the hypophysis.
lateral r. of fourth ventricle Either of two lateral extensions of the fourth ventricle, forming narrow pockets on each side and around the upper portions of the restiform bodies.
nasopalatine r.A recess on the floor of the nasal cavity near the nasal septum, lying immediately over the incisive foramen.
omental r.Any of three pocket-like extensions of the omental bursa. The superior recess extends upward behind the caudate lobe of the liver; the inferior recess extends downward into the great omentum; and the lineal recess extends laterally to the hilus of the spleen.
optic r.A recess of the third ventricle lying anterior to the infundibular recess. It is bound inferiorly by the optic chiasma.
pharyngeal r.A recess in the lateral wall of the nasopharynx lying above and behind the opening to the auditory tube. SYN: Rosenmüller fossa.
pineal r.The recess of the roof of the third ventricle extending into the stalk of the pineal body.
piriform r.A deep depression in the wall of the laryngopharynx lying lateral to the laryngeal inlet. It is bounded laterally by the thyroid cartilage and medially by the cricoid and arytenoid cartilages. It is a common site for lodgment of foreign objects.
sphenoethmoidal r.A recess in the nasal fossa above the superior concha. It lies between the ethmoid bone and the anterior surface of the body of the sphenoid bone and posteriorly receives the opening of the sphenoidal sinus.
spherical r.A recess on the medial wall of the vestibule of the inner ear that accommodates the saccule.
suprapineal r.A posterior extension of the roof of the third ventricle forming a small cavity above the pineal body.
tympanic membrane r.Either of two recesses of tympanic mucous membrane (anterior and posterior) lying between the tympanic membrane and anterior and posterior malleolar folds.
umbilical r.A dilatation on the left main branch of the portal vein that marks the position where the umbilical vein was originally attached.